Office: Science Hall East 3011 Phone: 973-720-3461 Email: Office Hours: Department: Physics Position: Adjunct Faculty and Laboratory Project Employee Area Specialization Low Temperature Physics
COURSES TAUGHT:AP Physics-B and LabGeneral Physics and LabsCollege Physics and LabsEngineering MechanicsOrganic ChemistryRadiological Physics and LabsPhysical Science and Labs
ON-LINE COURSES: PHYS1100-80 (2011- 2012 Winter Session), PHYS 1100-80 (2012 Spring Session), PHYS 1100-81 (2012 Summer Session).
RESEARCH EXPERIENCE: 1982- 1984 Physics Lab of the University of Texas at El Paso, My research was entitled "Magnetocardiography" which was the detection of the magnetic signal of the electromagnetic wave of the heart by using the SQUID (Superconductor Quantum Interference Device) magnetometer. Part of this research was to learn the techniques of handling liquid nitrogen and liquid helium, vacuum techniques, leak detecting using Varian model 936-40 leak Detector, and Construction and use of Helmoholtz coils.Check out the link: My M.Sc.ThesisLAB EXPERIENCE:1993- 1997 Setting up Physics lab experiments, budget control, repair and calibrate physics equipment, equipment purchasing and inventory, assist with demonstrations, and maintain lab equipment and computers. AREAS OF INTEREST:Developing new Physics lab experiments with computer based instruction.Interactive Lecture Demonstration.MEMBERSHIP:Member, American Physical SocietyMember, American Association of Physics Teachers PUBLICATIONS: “Biomagnetic Measurements with Applied Magnetic Field.” Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, Instrument Society of America, 1985. Co-author of paper entitled “Magnetocardiography.” Which was presented at the American Physical Society meeting in Denton,Texas, November 1983.NATIONAL ACADEMIC CONFERENCE PRESENTATION:
Mike Mikhaiel, "Teaching Physics On-Line vs. Teaching Physics In-Class: Are They Similar". Presented at AAPT 2012 Summer Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Mike Mikhaiel, “Physics, with Technology-Enabled Active Learning.” Presented at the first annual Activity Based Physics Faculty Institutes (ABPFI) symposium. American Association of Physics Teachers meeting, Syracuse, New York. July 24, 2006.Presented a paper at Passaic County Community College entitled “Strategies for Effective Learning in Physics” at a workshop in Paterson, NJ, November 2004. Co-author of paper entitled “Women in Science and Technology” presented at the National Education Association meeting in Atlantic City, New Jersey, November 1998. INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC CONFERENCE PRESENTATION: Mike Mikhaiel, “Making Connections between Physics and Biomedical Science.” Hosted by the Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi, Middle East Teachers of Science Mathematics and Computing (METSMaC-II), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, March 14-16, 2006. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT:
Summer Youth Program at William Paterson University, NJ- July 2013
Summer Youth Program at William Paterson University, NJ - July 2012
Summer Youth Program at William Paterson University, NJ- July 2011Center of Talented Youth (CTY) at Stanford University, California. Employed by John Hopkins University, July 18-August 8, 2009.AP Physics Reader at the Colorado State University at Fort Collins, Colorado, June 09 -17, 2008. AP Physics Reader at the Colorado State University at Fort Collins, Colorado, June 11 -19, 2007. EDITOR ON A BOOK REVIEW:
Co-author of Introduction to Physics Laboratory Book, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 2012
College Physics 6th edition/ Wilson, Buffa, and Lou. Prentice Hall, (2006).SPECIAL INTERESTS:-Computers. – Computer education. –Web education.-Gardening. –Fishing. –Bowling. -Bicycling. WEBSITE: Physics Tutor
FACEBOOK: Physics Tutor
Linkedin: Linkedin
My Blog: Mike
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