I. Departmental and University Cover Pages
These two forms may be obtained from the Departmental office or the office of the Dean of the School of Science and Health. Included on these pages are the student's name and address, the name and signature of the faculty supervisor, the number of credits requested, an abstract of the project, and signatures of the Independent Study Committee members, the Chairman of the Department and the Dean. The proposal in the format outlined below should be attached to these pages. The student should make and retain a copy of all Independent Study documents submitted. The student is also responsible for seeing to it that the forms and proposal are transmitted to the Registrar's office and that they are formally enrolled and registered for the course.
II. Proposal
A. Brief presentation of relevant background information concerned with the proposed project.
B. Detailed statement of the purpose of the project.
Description of the proposed experimental design and methodology written so that a non-specialist can understand it.
List of references cited in the introduction and materials and methods section.
A. Summary of proposed time schedule -- one or two semesters and rough estimate of the time per week to be spent in the laboratory or field. As a guide, for every one credit of independent study approximately four (4) hours per week laboratory or field work are expected.
B. Location and availability of the major supplies and equipment required by the program. Mention what funds will be used to purchase additional supplies and equipment (i.e., research release time, grants, etc.)
C. If the project is expected to continue for two or more semesters it should be clearly stated which part of the proposed work should be completed after one semester.
Notes: University regulations regarding Independent Study are printed in the Undergraduate Catalog and are repeated at the top of the University cover page form for Independent Study. The student should read them carefully.
Also note that any Independent Study that continues beyond the end of one semester will require retaining the grade of "I" (incomplete for the duration of Independent Study Project ). In such a case, the student must ask the department chairperson to make a written request to the Registrar that the grade "I" be maintained. This request should be submitted for approval to the Dean of the School of Science and Health who will forward it to the Registrar.