
Academic & Research Organizations

Albert Einstein Institution

"The Albert Einstein Institution is a nonprofit organization advancing the study and use of strategic nonviolent action in conflicts throughout the world.

"We are committed to the defense of freedom, democracy, and the reduction of political violence through the use of nonviolent action.

"Our goals are to understand the dynamics of nonviolent action in conflicts, to explore its policy potential, and to communicate this through print and other media, translations, conferences, consultations, and workshops."

Many resources, including full-text free downloads of Gene Sharp, From Dictatorship to Democracy; Robert Helvey, On Strategic Nonviolent Conflict; and Gene Sharp, There Are Realistic Alternatives.

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

"The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists informs the public about threats to the survival and development of humanity from nuclear weapons, climate change, and emerging technologies in the life sciences. Through an award-winning magazine, our online presence, and the Doomsday Clock, we reach policy leaders and audiences around the world with information and analysis about efforts to address the dangers and prevent catastrophe. With fellowships for students and awards to young journalists, we help educate the next generation.

"The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists was established in 1945 by scientists, engineers, and other experts who had created the atomic bomb as part of the Manhattan Project. They knew about the horrible effects of these new weapons and devoted themselves to warning the public about the consequences of using them."

Carter Center

Established by former President Jimmy Carter. "The Carter Center is committed to advancing human rights and alleviating unnecessary human suffering. Join us in creating a world in which every man, woman, and child has the opportunity to enjoy good health and live in peace."

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Includes some warmongers among its staff (for example, neocon Robert Kagan), but has lots of well-informed analysis.

James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) at the Monterey Institute of International Studies

CNS "strives to combat the spread of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) by training the next generation of nonproliferation specialists and disseminating timely information and analysis." It is "the largest nongovernmental organization in the United States devoted exclusively to research and training on nonproliferation issues."

Center for Peace Making and Conflict Studies, Fresno Pacific University

"The Center for Peacemaking and Conflict Studies offers graduate education in conflict management and peacemaking leading to the MA degree or graduate certificate, undergraduate courses leading to a minor or focus series, and also offers intervention, training and consulting services."

Center for Peacemaking, Marquette University

"The Marquette University Center for Peacemaking empowers the university and the wider community to explore together the necessary skills to become informed, spiritually-centered, nonviolent peacemakers. Rooted in the Ignatian charism, the center fosters an awakening to the holistic relationship of scholarship, spirituality, nonviolent living, and the active struggle for peace and justice."

Cornell University Peace Studies Program

Includes freely downloadable occasional papers.

Conflict and Politics in Northern Ireland (1968 to the Present), CAIN Web Service (Conflict Archive on the INternet)

Archive of resources on the Northern Ireland "Troubles"

Educating for Justice 

A "non-profit organization that works to educate and empower people to take action to end social injustice."

Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (New Delhi)

"To develop an alternative and independent framework for peace and security studies in South Asia."

International Center on Nonviolent Conflict

"The International Center on Nonviolent Conflict is an independent, non-profit, educational foundation that develops and encourages the study and use of civilian-based, nonmilitary strategies to establish and defend human rights, democracy and justice worldwide."

Includes full-text of article Maria Stephan and Erica Chenoweth, "Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict," International Security, vol. 33, no. 1 (Summer 2008), pp. 7-44. Read here.

International Peace Institute (formerly International Peace Academy)

"The International Peace Institute is an independent, international not-for-profit think tank with a staff representing more than 20 nationalities, located in New York across from United Nations headquarters.  IPI is dedicated to promoting the prevention and settlement of conflicts between and within states by strengthening international peace and security institutions.  To achieve its purpose, IPI employs a mix of policy research, convening, publishing and outreach."

International Peace Research Association

"Since 1964 IPRA has been pursuing interdisciplinary research into the most pressing issues related to sustainable peace around the world today. As a network of scholars, practitioners and decision-makers from all continents, we strive to stay at the cutting edge of the state of the art of peace. IPRA is about building communities of inquiry. For peace research closer to home, contact one of our five geographically distributed regional associations to learn about recent events and initiatives. If you are looking for a more specific discipline within peace and conflict research, get involved with one of IPRA’s Commissions or Working Groups according to your area of specialisation."

Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame

"Notre Dame's Kroc Institute is one of the world’s principal centers for the study of the causes of violent conflict and strategies for sustainable peace. Faculty conduct research on war, genocide, terrorism, ethnic and religious conflict, and violation of human rights; teach students earning degrees in peace studies; and contribute to on-the-ground peacebuilding worldwide." Publishes an online journal, Peace Policy.

McMaster University, Canada, Center for Peace Studies

Includes the Gandhi Peace Project.

Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse

Established by the Minnesota State Legislature in 1994 with a charge "to improve the quality of higher education related to violence." Addresses child abuse, domestic violence, sexual violence, trafficking, stalking, workplace violence, and youth violence.

National Center for Peace Education at Teachers College 

"The Teachers College Peace Education Center's (TCPEC) mission is to further the development of the field of peace education, particularly in recognition of the unprecedented need to address issues of security, war and peace, human rights and social justice, sustainable development and ecological balance. The Peace Education Center was established to provide outreach, resourcing, training and in-service education."

National Security Archive, George Washington University

A vast repository of declassified documents relating to U.S. foreign policy.

Nonviolence International

"Nonviolence International promotes nonviolent action and seeks to reduce the use of violence worldwide. We believe that every cultural and religious tradition can discover and employ culturally appropriate nonviolent methods for positive social change and international peace.

"Nonviolence International is a decentralized network of resource centers that promote the use of nonviolent action. Founded by Palestinian activist Mubarak Awad in 1989, NI is a 501(c)3 organization registered in Washington, DC, USA. NI is also an NGO in Special Consultative Status with The Economic and Social Council of the United Nations."

Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

"The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation initiates and supports worldwide efforts to abolish nuclear weapons, to strengthen international law and institutions, and to inspire and empower a new generation of peace leaders. Founded in 1982, the Foundation is comprised of individuals and organizations worldwide who realize the imperative for peace in the Nuclear Age. The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation is a non-profit, non-partisan international education and advocacy organization. It has consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council and is recognized by the UN as a Peace Messenger Organization."

Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution

Peace History Society

"The Peace History Society was founded in 1964 to encourage, and coordinate national and international scholarly work to explore and articulate the conditions and causes of peace and war, and to communicate the findings of scholarly work to the public." Sponsors the H-Peace discussion list.

Peace and Justice Studies Association

"We are dedicated to bringing together academics, K-12 teachers and grassroots activists to explore alternatives to violence and share visions and strategies for peacebuilding, social justice, and social change.

"PJSA also serves as a professional association for scholars in the field of peace and conflict resolution studies, and is the North-American affiliate of the International Peace Research Association." Founded in 2001 as a merger of the Consortium on Peace Research, Education and Development (COPRED) and the Peace Studies Association (PSA).

Peace Research Institute, Oslo 

"Founded in 1959, the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) is an independent research institute known for its effective synergy of basic and policy-relevant research. In addition to such research, PRIO conducts graduate training and is engaged in the promotion of peace through conflict resolution, dialogue and reconciliation, public information and policymaking activities. The Institute’s working language is English." Among its publications are PRIO Reports (available freely online) and Journal of Peace Research (available to WPU users through JSTOR and SAGE Premier 2008)

Project on Defense Alternatives (PDA)

"Since its inception in 1991, the Project on Defense Alternatives has sought to adapt security policy to the challenges and opportunities of the post-Cold War era. Toward this end it promotes consideration of the broadest range of defense options. Central to its mission is the development of 'transitional security policy,' which would serve to create conditions favorable to the advent of regional and global cooperative security regimes." Many online publications relating to Iraq, Afghanistan, and U.S. military policy more generally.

Stephen Zunes, articles

Stephen Zunes is a Professor of Politics and International Studies at the University of San Francisco, where he chairs the program in Middle Eastern Studies. He serves as a senior policy analyst for the Foreign Policy in Focus project of the Institute for Policy Studies, an associate editor of Peace Review, and chair of the academic advisory committee for the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict. He has written widely on nonviolent action around the world.

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

One of the world's premier peace research institutions. Many online publications available (but not their valuable Yearbook.)

Desmond Tutu Peace Center

Tutu presided over South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission, an effort to apply restorative justice to the aftermath of great violence and injustice. "We aim to create and maintain a Peace Centre that will deliver programmes that promote conflict resolution, restore social justice to marginalised people and inspire leaders to be responsible and committed to the people they serve. We further the understanding that peace will flow out of justice and that there is essential good in everyone."

United States Institute of Peace

"The United States Institute of Peace is an independent, nonpartisan institution established and funded by Congress to increase the nation's capacity to manage international conflict without violence."

On the other hand, given that its Board of Directors is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate (along with four ex-officio members including the secretaries of state and defense (or their designees), it is not surprising that the Board tends to be supportive of U.S. foreign policy.

The website does include some valuable resources:

The Peace Agreements Digital Collection strives to contain the full text of agreements signed by the major contending parties ending inter- and intra-state conflicts worldwide since 1989.

The Truth Commissions Digital Collection contains decrees establishing truth commissions and similar bodies of inquiry worldwide, and the reports issued by such groups.

The Oral Histories Project on Stability Operations collects the full text of interviews conducted by the Institute's Center for Post-Conflict Peace and Stability Operations program with individuals involved in stability operations, to draw lessons learned and address the challenges of post-conflict intervention.

University of Bradford, Department of Peace Studies

Largest academic peace studies institute in the world. Includes several research centers, each of which issues their own working papers or briefing papers, including the Centre for Conflict Resolution, Bradford Disarmament Centre, and the Centre for International Cooperation and Security.

Waging Nonviolence

A blog edited by Eric Stoner, Bryan Farrell, and Nathan Schneider.

"Waging nonviolence is anything but passive. It’s an intensely active struggle for justice by the only means worthy of the goal.

"This blog is a community and a resource for news, analysis and discussion on the many ways that ordinary people around the globe are using nonviolence every day, often under the most difficult circumstances. We welcome activists, students, scholars and critics, as well as those just discovering nonviolence, to read and take part."