
03/17/25 07:00 AM - 03/17/25 07:00 PM
Uniprint Upgrade Completed ---------- Uniprint Upgrade - Xerox and Student Printing Unavailable March 17th

Update: 11:30am Uniprint Upgrade Completed.  If you are experiencing any issues, please reboot the affected printer.  If issues persist, please contact the helpdesk via the Helpdesk ticketing system or by calling 973.720.4357.

Information Technology will be performing necessary upgrades to Pharos Uniprint systems on March 17th, 2025 (7AM to 7PM).

Due to the nature of the upgrades, printing through Pharos will be down for the entirety of the upgrade.  This will effect printing to Xerox's using the XeroxUniprint queue, as well as all printing in the computer labs, including the BW and COLOR queues.  Non-Xerox departmental printers will be unaffected.

Please plan on printing anything important before Monday, March 17th.  If your department needs something printed during downtime, please contact the helpdesk for a workaround solution via the Helpdesk ticketing system or by calling 973.720.4357.

03/08/25 10:00 PM - 03/09/25 12:00 AM
Banner Critical Security Maintenance Downtime Saturday March 8, 2025 10:00PM - 12:00AM

Banner Self-Service, including Registration, Grading, Attendance, and other Faculty and Student facing application will be down for Critical Security Maintenance on Saturday March 8, 2025 10:00PM - 12:00AM.

02/18/25 09:30 AM - 02/20/25 12:00 PM
New Network Security Certificate - Evening of Wednesday 2/19/25

On the evening of Wednesday February 19th, Information Technology will be performing an annual update of the network security certificate that is used by computers, cell phones, and other devices to securely connect to both the campus wireless and wired networks.

Any device connecting to the campus network may display a prompt asking you to Allow/Accept/Trust the new certificate. If you encounter this prompt, click the Allow/Accept/Trust button to enable your computer/device to continue to connect to the campus network.

If you encounter any issues, please contact our IT Helpdesk at or (973) 720-4357. 

Thank you. 
Information Technology 

02/13/25 01:00 PM - 02/14/25 10:00 AM
Duo Multifactor Authentication Issues

Update: 8:45pm 2/13
Resolved - We can now confirm that all services have been completely restored. A full RCA will be provided as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience, while we worked to resolve the issues.
Feb 13, 20:43 EST
Update: 8:00pm
Service Restored - Duo continues to restore phone and SMS services.  The deployment we use is listed as restored. 
Find out more about the current status:
Update: 2:01pm
Identified - We have identified the issue causing Admin Panel login, Device Management Portal, and SMS/Phone Call delivery failures across all deployments and are working to deploy a fix.
Feb 13, 2025 - 14:01 EST
Update: 1:45pm - Duo is aware and is investigating authentication issues system wide. 
Investigating - We are currently investigating an issue causing Admin Panel login and SMS/Phone Call delivery failures across all deployments.
Find out more about the current status:

We are aware that we are experiencing issues with Duo Multifactor Authentication.  Push authentications appear to be working, however phone calls and SMS delivery are not.  

Please utilize Push notifications or generate Passcodes in the Duo App. If you have not enrolled and authorized the app, we can help with enrollment as needed once this issue is resolved.

We are investigating.  Typically Duo status information can be found at

11/25/24 10:00 AM - 11/26/24 03:00 PM
Office 365 Disruptions

Microsoft is investigating an issue with outlook, teams, sharepoint etc. Both desktop client and web interfaces are impacted at this time.  Microsoft updates and additional information can be found at