University Honors Longtime Faculty and Staff Ninety-eight members of the campus community were recently honored for their service to the University Ninety-eight faculty and staff members from all across campus were honored recently for their extraordinary service to the campus community. Those recognized at a special luncheon included faculty, staff, and administrators who have served from twenty to forty-five years at the University. As part of the ceremony, President Kathleen Waldron presented a service award certificate to each individual honoree. The 2010 honorees included (bottom row, left to right) Leslie Farber, art; Merle Miller, science and health; Joyce Smith, events and conferences; and Joe Caffarelli, residence life; (second row, left to right) Susan Piccirilli, human resources; Nina Trelisky, registrar’s office; Barbara Smith, library; and Cinzia Richardson, international students and scholars; (third row, left to right) John Peterman, philosophy; Barbara Pidgeon, disability services; Carol Parken, computer science; Pam Walter-Izzo, office of vice president for administration and finance; and Joan Hartman, English; (back row, left to right) Robert Chesney, biology; Gerry Van De Polder, print shop; Sherle Boone, psychology; and John Najarian, computer science. Service award honorees for 2011 included (bottom row, left to right) Alberto Montare, psychology; Linda Farrell, admissions; Naomi Horsky, nursing; and Kathy Cestra-Nadzan, arts and comunication; (second row, left to right) Janet Seiferth, academic development; Nancy Norville, institutional advancement; Michael Boroznoff, registrar’s office; Gina Buffalino, alumni relations; (third row, left to right), Vince Parrillo, sociology; Mary Pospisil, institutional advancement; Minnie Lynch, nursing; and Annette James, science and health; (fourth row, left to right) Stephen Bolyai, office of vice president for administration and finance; Toni Napolitano, library; Kalli Protopsaltis, student government association; Danielle Desroches, biology; (back row, left to right) Barry Morgenstern, communication; Diana Gilmartin, hospitality services; Vilma Elliott, educational opportunity fund program, and Alice Armstrong, office of the provost.