Delegation from Tengzhou Museum of Han Carved Stones, China

Shanghai William Chinese Art Foundation Distinguished Visiting Artist Series

11/29/2017 — 12/03/2017

From November 29 to December 3, at the invitation of the Center for Chinese Art at William Paterson University, a delegation from China Tengzhou Museum of Han Carved Stones that included Deputy Secretary General of Zaozhuang City Ms. Hongwei Zhang, Director of the Bureau of Cultural Heritage of Zaozhuang City Ms. Liping Hu, Director of the Bureau of Cultural Heritage of Zaozhuang City Mr. Sang Zhang, and Director of the China Tengzhou Museum of Han Carved Stones Ms. Hui Li visited America. They brought HAN art, Song of Strong Winds, and Han culture to New York and New Jersey.

10 a.m. on November 30, Senior Vice President and Provost of William Paterson University Dr. Warren Sandmann welcomed the delegation at his office and praised highly the Han culture lecture and its cultural contribution to the local diversified communities. Dr. Sandmann also commended all the achievements that the Center for Chinese Art has made in recent years. The delegation visited the Center for Chinese Art at William Paterson University afterwards.

2 p.m., the Center for Chinese Art at William Paterson University hosted a lecture and demonstration on “A Trip Back in Time: Art Appreciation and the Highlight of the Han Carved Stone Rubbings” at Power Art Gallery. Associate Provost of William Paterson University Dr. Jonathan Lincoln, former Associate Provost of William Paterson University Dr. Steve Hahn, university faculties and students, and audience from New York and New Jersey were gathering together for the special art introduction and demonstration.

The lecture was moderated by Professor Zhiyuan Cong. Ms. Liping Hu opened the lecture explaining that the Han Dynasty was pivotal in Chinese history and represented a pinnacle of human civilization. Mr. Er Wang, Princeton University visiting scholar from Beijing University and an expert on Han history, explained the historical context of Han Confucius noble class portraits. Ms. Hui Li presented Han carved stone rubbings paintings and demonstrated how to make them. When she took out all the tools for making Han stone carved stone rubbings, audiences were excited that they get to watch such a professional and exquisite art-making process outside of a museum. The introductions and demonstrations received full appreciation from the audience.

3 p. m. on December 2, the Center for Chinese Art at William Paterson University and the New York Gallery of Chinese Art in New York City along with the China Institute of Han Dynasty’s Art, the Bureau of Cultural Heritage of Shandong Province, the Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Media of Zaozhuang City, the Bureau of Cultural Heritage of Zaozhuang City, the Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Media of Tengzhou City, and the China Tengzhou Museum of Han Carved Stones hosted and officially opened the exhibition “Soul of the Han: Han Carved Stone Rubbings from Tengzhou, China” at New York Gallery of Chinese Art. Professor Zhiyuan Cong explained how the exhibition was developed through a collaboration with Mr. Lyusheng Chen, President of the Chinese Institute of Han Dynasty’s Art, Director of New York Gallery of Chinese Art Mr. Ip- Wing Kong, and Director of China Tengzhou Museum of Han Carved Stones Ms. Hui Li.

Deputy Secretary General of Zaozhuang City Ms. Hongwei Zhang gave a speech on behalf of the City of Zaozhuang. This exhibition consists of 63 Han stone carved rubbing paintings, selected from 1500 permanent museum collections, depicting multi-aspects of real-life Han Dynasty societies and people, with content ranging from economics, cultures, production, and daily life. She thanked all the participants and friends for making the exhibition possible and welcomed visitors to visit Zaozhuang City and Tengzhou City to see the extensive and profound Han cultures in person.

Director of New York Gallery of Chinese Art Mr. Ip-Wing Kong, Deputy Director of the Office of Institutional Advancement of William Paterson University Mr. Spencer, and Director Ms. Hui Li also gave brief speeches during the exhibition opening.

“Soul of the Han: Han Carved Stone Rubbings from Tengzhou, China” from December 2, 2017-February 26, 2018, Tuesday to Sunday.
