Martin Williams Appointed to Professional Development Committee of the National Council of University Research Administrators

Martin Williams with a WP student

Martin Williams, director of the Office of Sponsored Programs at William Paterson University, has been appointed to the Professional Development Committee of the National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA).

“This appointment is national recognition of what we at William Paterson have known for some time—Martin Williams already is a leader in the promotion and management of university research, says Warren Sandmann, provost and senior vice president for Academic Affairs.

As a member of the committee, Williams will help plan NCUAR activities including conferences, workshops, webinars and publications. He has also been appointed to the Education subcommittee.

Williams has been a member of NCURA for more than 20 years, and has been active in regional and national activities.  He received a Distinguished Service Award from Region II in 2013, and is a frequent presenter at the organization’s annual event and conferences.

The National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA) is an organization that advances the field of research administration through education and professional development programs.
