William Paterson University Offers Astronomy Public Lecture and Stargazing on March 28

Jason Kendall

Jason Kendall, William Paterson University adjunct professor of physics, will present a public lecture on gravitational waves and black holes, followed by an outdoor stargazing experience at Science Hall East Atrium and the Wightman football field on campus on March 28 at 7:30 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.

The lecture will concentrate on astronomers’ search for black holes and how to observe them using a new technique—gravitational wave astronomy.

Post-lecture participants will walk to Wightman field with telescopes for guided stargazing, weather permitting. The stargazing session will provide opportunities to see stars, constellations and nebulae through a telescope. Participants may bring their own telescopes or use one provided by the University.

Black Holes dominate the imagination of science fiction and the world of astronomy. When two black holes collide, they create a space-time storm that actually sounds like a bark, a sound that is heard billions of lightyears away. These mysterious, bizarre objects twist and bend space and time into oblivion. The commentary will discuss places in the cosmos where space become stretched into spaghetti and time is dragged to a halt. It will also explore why these objects exist.

Kendall has been seen on the Weather Channel’s “Wake Up with Al” in a monthly segment on astronomy and stargazing. More recently, he has appeared on WCBS and WNYC radio, and for last August’s total solar eclipse, on television with CBS NY, FOX5 NY, Telemundo NY and FOX News. He is a leading public speaker in the metropolitan area on astronomy.

Parking for the event will be in Lot #2. A campus map is located at: http://bit.ly/2FCehzQ

For more information or weather updates: 973.720.4852 or kendallj@wpunj.edu.



