Heroes Without Capes: WP Nursing Grad Aly Triolo ’08, MSN ’13

Aren’t you scared of taking care of COVID patients?

“This the question everyone has been asking me. The short answer is yes,” says Aly Triolo, ’08, ’13, advanced practice nurse and rapid response team coordinator in an intensive care unit.

The long answer, Triolo continues, is “not right away.” 

“When I respond to a rapid response call, I’m not thinking about my own fear. I’m focused on my patient. Every one of them has been sweating and exhausted, fighting to breathe, and looking at me with fearful eyes.

“My mask is uncomfortable—it hurts my nose to the point of leaving pressure injuries—and my sweat is dripping into my mouth, but I barely notice because I’m holding their hands. I’m telling them that it’s going to be okay, even though I’m unsure, and I’m helping deliver rapid, lifesaving care.

“These patients turn on a dime. Like nothing I’ve ever seen,” Triolo adds. “I need to be on my A-game. There is no time or space for fear when you’re saving a patient.

“… But later on—when my shift is over— I am very scared. I’m scared of getting the virus. I’m scared of giving it to my family. I’m scared for my coworkers who are rockstars. I’m scared for all the people who have this awful virus. I’m scared for the community and how we are going to recover from this.

“We will overcome this eventually. But for now, be scared with me. This virus is no joke. I’ve already seen it take many lives. Listen to the experts. Stay home. Stay safe.”

