Using Agelenidae Spiders as a Model Organism to Create a Species Distribution Model

After conferring with biology professor Joseph Spagna, Honors College student Nikki Gaffney ‘22 chose to create a species distribution model (SDM) for North American Agelenidae spiders for her Honors research project.

An SDM is a popular tool in ecology that generates a map showing the likelihood of a species inhabiting specific areas that are used to inform such things as expected migration patterns due to climate change and determining likely phylogenetic trees.

Gaffney, who majors in biology with a concentration in animal physiology and behavior and minors in both art studio and ethics, is analyzing migration patterns of Agelenidae spiders across North America based on 20 environmental factors that she carefully selected to determine which factors are most influential in where they prefer to live.

Under the guidance of Professor Spagna, Gaffney is using species distribution software Maxent to study these patterns and formulate her own SDM as a digital map that could help contribute to land conservation and plotting discussions.

“Studying Maxent provides a good introduction into the field of ecology and prepares me for ecological study in graduate school,” says Gaffney. “WP has also given me a wide breadth of experience—especially in leadership—that will make me valuable everywhere.”

Along with Professor Spagna, Gaffney credits Elizabeth Victor, professor of philosophy, and Benjamin Weathers, professor of art, with allowing her to “explore all aspects” of herself “through learning.”

“As a scientist, Professor Spagna allowed me to learn Maxent within his laboratory to provide me with cutting-edge scientific experience. As an ethicist, Professor Victor invited me to an American Philosophy Association conference in New York City to participate as an aspiring philosopher, and as an artist, Professor Weathers pushed me in the classroom to explore the meaning behind shapes and colors to inform how I expressed myself,” says Gaffney.

In addition to her academics, Gaffney serves as a senator for academic affairs in the Student Government Association and as club representative for the Political Science Club, and has recently been involved with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and Catholic Campus Ministry.
