Performcare Summary

Performcare/Children’s System of Care

What is the Children’s System of Care (CSOC):CSOC is the New Jersey agency responsible for providing services to individuals under the age of twenty one.

What is Performcare: The administrator for CSOC. It provides support services and case management services to children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.

Who is eligible:

  • Children up to age 21 that have an intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (see the PerformCare full length page for criteria)
  • Must be a United States citizen or permanent resident, and
  • Must be a NJ resident

Behavioral Health Needs:

Performcare also provides services to children with behavioral health needs. For more detailed information regarding children having such needs, please see:

What if my child is first applying between the ages of 18-21:

You must complete an application through the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD). If found eligible by DDD, services will be provided by CSOC until age 21.

Eligibility does not depend on:

  1. income
  2. whether you have private insurance
  3. whether you have Medicaid, but, if your child has private insurance, those benefits must be exhausted first.
How to apply:

To access services, families must first complete an eligibility application.

Call 1-800-335-FUND (3863) for information

If rejected:

  • Appeal immediately or
  • Reapply when your child is older or has a change in circumstances. Can apply at any age, but children under 3 may be denied.

If approved:

  • You should receive a letter within 60 days of all information being submitted

What happens after my child is approved:

  • You can apply for Family Support Services over the phone by calling 1-877-652-7624.
  • You are not guaranteed to receive any particular service that PerformCare offers.
  • Eligibility for any service depends on each child's situation and state funding availability.
  • If you are approved for any support services, you will receive a letter.
  • You need to reapply annually over the phone.

What services does Family Support Services supply:

  • Care Management Services 
  • Respite
  • Overnight Respite
  • ABA Therapy - when the child does not have Medicaid managed care or private insurance that covers ABA therapy
  • Individual Support Services
  • Summer Camp Assistance
  • Home modification
  • Assistive technology
  • Vehicle Modifications
  • Educational Advocacy

Mobile Response Stabilization Services

PerformCare offers 24 hours a day/7 days a week emergency response when a child is in crisis. Call 1.877.652.7624.

How are the costs of services handled:

Some services require that private health insurance benefits must be exhausted first.

Families referred for services who are not already Medicaid or NJ FamilyCare eligible may be required to complete an eligibility application. This applies even if your child has private insurance.

Helpful link: