Assignments for ENG 1500

Reading and Assignment to Pair with Writing Center Visit
Assignment authored by: Sean Molloy, Tracey Pletz, and Eric Scholz
This assignment requires students to attend a session at the Writing Center and reflect on the experience. All 1000-level students are required to attend one session at an appropriate academic support center like the Writing Center, and this is one way of building that requirement into your course. Murray explains that writing and revising are tools writers use to think and make meaning clear. He provides his revision checklist along with a description of each step, which can serve as a how-to guide to show students what substantial revision is and how it differs from proofreading. Click here for the reading. Click here for the assignment. 

Creating a Multi-Draft Assignment for English 1500
Click here to see an example of a multi-draft assignment Chris Weaver created for his ENG 1500 course. 
It may also be helpful to view our "Workshop: Creating Assignments that Encourage Revision" video, linked here.

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Click here to view recommended readings for ENG 1500