Teaching Resources

Teaching and Technology
Teaching Resources

Teaching and Technology

What to do About Students’ Use of AI in Our Classes: Suggestions, Guidelines, and Best Practices
This document makes some suggestions for how to detect AI use in student writing, how to create assignments that make unethical AI use less likely, and how to use AI as part of your classes.

IRT Resources
The Instruction & Research Technology Program offers a series of workshops on tools that may be helpful for online teaching and using technology in the classroom.  They also have video recordings of past workshops. Please check out their faculty training page, linked here

Hybrid ENG-1100 & ENG-1500
Hybrid courses combine in-person and online instruction.
Click here for guidance on teaching ENG 1100 and ENG 1500 Hybrid courses.

Teaching with Techology Workshop
This video is a recording of the Teaching with Technology workshop that took place on 8/7/2020. In the video, several 1100 and 1500 professors discuss different ways to utilize Blackboard and Google in the classroom. 

Virtual Tour of Blackboard 
We work mostly with freshmen who aren’t used to the kind of expectations of college writing classes, and most of them are not used to using Blackboard. It’s really important that at the beginning of the semester, we’re clear about how the course works and what our expectations are. The more we build a visually stable and repeatable structure into the course, the more that benefits our students. One way of doing that is creating a brief video tour of your Blackboard web site and showing it to students at the beginning of the semester. This is extremely useful for an online course, but it’s also helpful if you’re doing a face-to-face course that makes extensive uses of Blackboard. This is an example of the “Video Tour” that I posted for my College Writing students at the beginning of the fall 2020 semester. Of course your course will look different depending on what areas/features of Blackboard that you use and how you use them, but this video will give you an example of what I’m talking about.

Tutorial: How to Create a Video Recording in Blackboard
Creating videos and posting them to your Blackboard web site can be useful for a number of reasons, one of which is giving students a video tour of your web site at the beginning of the semester. Here’s a quick tutorial showing how to create a video using the “Collaborate Ultra” feature in Blackboard.


Teaching Strategies

Strategies for Student Success
This document outlines some PWR-recommended best practices for ENG 1100 and ENG 1500.

Beyond the Red Ink: Teacher's Comments Through Students' Eyes
In this video, Bunker Hill Community College students discuss how they perceive their professors’ writing feedback. They examine which comments are unhelpful and why, as well as offer advice as to what kind of feedback they would like to receive. This video provides great insight into the impact feedback has on students and how teachers can tailor their comments to encourage revision.

Teaching Revision
This video discusses why teaching revision is so difficult, and suggests strategies to help you encourage your students to engage in deep-level revision.

Workshop: Creating Assignments that Encourage Revision
This is a recording of the workshops that took place on 11/3/2020 and 11/4/2020 about how to draft assignments that encourage students to actively revise their writing.

Portfolios are now required in ENG 1100 classes and strongly encouraged in ENG 1500 classes. This video provides a quick how-to guide about using portfolios in your ENG 1100 or ENG 1500 course.

As of fall 2021, a portfolio will be required of all students taking ENG 1100. ENG 1500 instructors are also encouraged to utilize portfolios. This video is a recording of the workshop on utilizing portfolios and is a good place to start if you would like more information on how to incorporate portfolios into your class.