Major: Exercise Physiology, William Paterson University, Class of 2013
Position: Orthopedic Medical Device Sales Representative
Agency: Arthrex
As in any sales career, every day is exciting, new and always changing. Alicia is the only individual on her team that specializes in distal extremity cases (wrist, hand, foot, and ankle). She has excellent customer service skills and extensive knowledge of Arthrex’s distal extremity products. She is also responsible for balancing the tasks of informing and selling to new surgeons, while also managing the existing business. Most of her day is spent in the operating room guiding orthopedic surgeons on the steps of each procedure and confirm the devices are used properly. Alicia travels to different surgery centers and hospitals throughout the state to aide in orthopedic and orthopedic trauma cases. Alicia is required to take monthly module examinations, has frequent training courses at Arthrex’s headquarters, participate in cadaver labs, and assists in expos.