Major: Exercise Science 2013, William Paterson University
Further Education: Masters in Business Administration, Management 2019 Wagner College
While attending William Paterson University, LaSalle became enamored with the science behind exercise, nutrition and its impact on the human body in terms of health and performance. Upon graduation LaSalle decided to pursue a career in athletic performance and has had the opportunity to work as a strength and conditioning coach at Rutgers University and most recently as a track and field coach at Wagner College. In both positions the challenge has been to provide the best practices for the hundreds of student - athletes he has had the privilege of working with as they prepare for their athletic endeavors. LaSalle primarily views his role as an educator, with the aim of providing students with the skills and knowledge to live healthy and active lifestyles extending far beyond their athletic careers but maintained throughout the rest their lives.This effort involves close collaboration with allied health professionals from different fields including doctors, athletic trainers, physical therapists and dieticians to deliver the best care possible to the student - athletes under their charge. LaSalle strongly believes that the education he received at William Paterson University prepared him for the professional opportunities in a field which he is passionate about and provided the strong foundation that allows him to effectively serve the student athletes under his care.
“ When I look back at the opportunities that I have been able to enjoy, I am convinced that William Paterson University, the faculty and staff have been an integral reason for my success and for that I am grateful."