Common Student Learning Goal Addressed University document to which Learning Goal is tied Student Learning Objective Program or Activity targeted Expected Outcome Instrument Utilized Actual Outcome, using metrics Conclusions, Next Steps To help students make informed decisions that promote wellness and effect life-long health. Health and Wellness Center Mission Statement To increase students’ knowledge of modes of HIV transmission and prevention HIV testing and counseling services offered at the Health & Wellness Center Increased knowledge of modes of HIV transmission and prevention as demonstrated by improved score on the HIV-KQ-18. Students will be able to recollect information taught to them during the counseling component of the initial testing appointment. Students who came to the Health & Wellness Center for HIV testing were asked to complete the HIV-KQ-18 prior to their appointments. During their appointments their answers to the pre-test were reviewed and any misconceptions were clarified. Students retook the HIV-KQ-18 when they returned for follow-up testing 3 months later. The two scores on the HIV-KQ-18 were compared. The outcome will have been achieved if students demonstrated a significantly higher number of correct answers on the re-test. Only a small number of students returned for follow-up testing (10/63) and retook the HIV-KQ-18. Despite this, a significant difference was found between scores on Time 1 (M = 14.0, SD = 3.05) and Time 2 (M = 16.3, SD = 1.34), such that scores significantly increased at Time 2, t(9) = - 3.21, p < .01. This difference is significant at the .01 alpha level (i.e., 99% confidence level). Data suggests that the counseling component of the HIV testing is serving to educate students about the modes of HIV transmission and that they have retained that information several months later. It proved to be more difficult than anticipated to get students to return for follow-up HIV testing. Therefore, only a small subgroup of those originally tested retook the questionnaire. In the future, other means of getting students to complete the survey a second time will be explored. This may include sending out the survey via email and, perhaps, offering incentives for completion.