Graduate Multicultural Mentoring and Support (G-MMS) Program

Faculty-Student Mentoring Program

The mentoring program is meant to support graduate student integration into graduate life and culture.  Students are paired with Faculty Mentors from diverse departments. Students and Mentors can meet either in-person or virtually, to chat or for lunch or just a snack. The Faculty Mentor can provide feedback and perspectives to students from the vantage point of someone who is not involved in grading the student or making judgments about the student; simply providing support, empathy, and sharing their experience and insights. For information contact us at:

Support Groups and Neurobehavioral Assessments 

Support groups address issues relating to stress, anxiety-mood, and coping associated with the academic and socio-psychological demands of academic work, as well as adapting to a university culture and, in some instances, adapting to a new country. Neurobehavioral assessments address neuropsychological and neurodevelopmental issues (e.g., affect, learning, memory, attention-concentration, and information processing) that may impact academic performance. Minority and marginalized communities, as well as returning and international students, both in-person and online face many additional challenges when pursuing advanced degrees, programs, and certificates. The G-MMS will help support these students. Information will be provided on the G-MMS website, through Announcements, mailing lists, and distributed throughout various university offices. The goal is to enhance the health and well-being of our students by providing supplementary resources that students need and want. Support is provided on-campus (Raubinger 155) and/or online. For information contact us at:

Undergraduate-Graduate Mentoring Program

Graduate students can provide a wealth of knowledge and experience that helps support undergraduates pursuing careers and graduate study. The G-MMS  program will facilitate opportunities for undergraduates to interact with and participate in graduate student scholarship, creative expression, and research whether students are in-person or online. Student benefit from receiving mentoring experiences that makes them more competitive when applying to Graduate Programs and jobs. Support can be provided in-person (Raubinger 155) and/or online by appointment. For information contact:

Academic Support Program: Statistics and Methodological Consultation

The goal of this program is for graduate students to help provide feedback,  guidance, and consultation with respect to advanced editing, statistical analysis, and methodological approaches to research and scholarship across diverse disciplines.  Support can be provided in-person (Raubinger 155) and/or online by appointment. For information contact: 

Cultural Activity Association (CAA)

The CAA supports the coordination of on and off-campus activities for Graduate and Undergraduate students coordinated by Graduate students and faculty/staff volunteers: Dinners, Lunches, Tours, Museums, Theatre, Movies, Sporting Events, Concerts, Trips, and Transportation. Events will be posted on the G-MMS website, in Announcements, and communicated via mailing lists and social media. For information contact:

For  general information contact:

Bruce J. Diamond: