Special Alerts and Maintenance

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Previous Downtime

From : 03/26/25 02:00 PM
To : 03/26/25 10:00 PM

Wednesday 3/26 3pm:
The service slowdowns resolved around 2:30pm.
University Windows computers may still prompt for restarts or restart suddenly. As such, we recommend saving work on occasion through the rest of today, just in case.

Thank you for your patience.

The university is experiencing an internet-related issue that is impacting the speed of various WP services including the main WPUNJ website, WPconnect, Banner, and more. This slowdown is expected to be a temporary issue that will self-resolve before the end of day.

Somewhat related, individuals using university Windows computers may find that their computers may restart suddenly after applying automatic updates. We recommend saving any active work, when possible, to avoid any interruption caused by a sudden restart.

Thank you for our patience while this issue works to resolution.
Information Technology

From : 03/17/25 07:00 AM
To : 03/17/25 07:00 PM

Update: 11:30am Uniprint Upgrade Completed.  If you are experiencing any issues, please reboot the affected printer.  If issues persist, please contact the helpdesk via the Helpdesk ticketing system or by calling 973.720.4357.

Information Technology will be performing necessary upgrades to Pharos Uniprint systems on March 17th, 2025 (7AM to 7PM).

Due to the nature of the upgrades, printing through Pharos will be down for the entirety of the upgrade.  This will effect printing to Xerox's using the XeroxUniprint queue, as well as all printing in the computer labs, including the BW and COLOR queues.  Non-Xerox departmental printers will be unaffected.

Please plan on printing anything important before Monday, March 17th.  If your department needs something printed during downtime, please contact the helpdesk for a workaround solution via the Helpdesk ticketing system or by calling 973.720.4357.

From : 03/08/25 10:00 PM
To : 03/09/25 12:00 AM

Banner Self-Service, including Registration, Grading, Attendance, and other Faculty and Student facing application will be down for Critical Security Maintenance on Saturday March 8, 2025 10:00PM - 12:00AM.