
All Faculty, Librarians, and Professional Staff (NTPs) 
Richard J. Helldobler, President 
Joshua B. Powers, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs 
October 1, 2020
Number of Opportunities for Promotions in Rank 
Number of Opportunities for Faculty Range Adjustment 
Number of Library Faculty Promotions 
Number of Opportunities for Professional Staff Performance-based Promotions 
We wish to inform you of the following promotional and range adjustment opportunities to be effective at the beginning of the 2021-22 academic year and to be acted upon according to the established calendars and procedures during the academic year 2020-21.
Faculty Promotions to Professor: 8
Faculty Range Adjustments: 7 
  • Three at the Full Professor level 
  • Two at the Associate Professor level 
  • One at the Assistant Professor level 
  • One Librarian
Library Faculty Promotions: 0 
Professional Staff Performance-based Promotions: 7
Total: 22 
We are providing the total number of opportunities for faculty promotions and range adjustments at this time to assist those eligible to apply in making informed decisions about their choices. Eligibility lists for available actions other than promotions in rank are posted on the web at the URLs below
We encourage all who are eligible to take advantage of these opportunities for advancement and recognition.
Associate Provosts and Associate Vice Presidents 
College Deans and Associate Deans 