Center for Teaching Excellence

Important Reports:

Blue Ribbon Task Force Report, Spring 2024

Teaching resources to support adult learners, Spring 2024

UCC 2.0 tools and resources from Summer Institute

UCC 2.0 Webpage 

CTE Fall 2024 Book Club

Jose Bowen's Teaching with AI

Email if you would like a copy

How AI is revolutionizing the future of learning and how educators can adapt to this new era of human thinking.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we learn, work, and think. Its integration into classrooms and workplaces is already underway, impacting and challenging ideas about creativity, authorship, and education. In this groundbreaking and practical guide, teachers will discover how to harness and manage AI as a powerful teaching tool. José Antonio Bowen and C. Edward Watson present emerging and powerful research on the seismic changes AI is already creating in schools and the workplace, providing invaluable insights into what AI can accomplish in the classroom and beyond.

By learning how to use new AI tools and resources, educators will gain the confidence to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities presented by AI. From interactive learning techniques to advanced assignment and assessment strategies, this comprehensive guide offers practical suggestions for integrating AI effectively into teaching and learning environments. Bowen and Watson tackle crucial questions related to academic integrity, cheating, and other emerging issues.

In the age of AI, critical thinking skills, information literacy, and a liberal arts education are more important than ever. As AI continues to reshape the nature of work and human thinking, educators can equip students with the skills they need to thrive in a rapidly evolving world. This book serves as a compass, guiding educators through the uncharted territory of AI-powered education and the future of teaching and learning.

General Teaching Resources

Cult of Pedagogy podcast is a blog site run by Jennifer Gonzalez and her team offering various teaching tips through blog, video, and podcast.

International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI)
International Center for Academic Integrity website has a wealth of information and resources about academic integrity. This page for example lists ten ways to improve academic integrity.

Creating Interactive Engagement During Online Classes

"How to Make Breakout Rooms Work Better" (December 10, 2020. The Chronicle of Higher Ed.)

Beth Mcmurtrie, senior writer at the Chronicles summarizes faculty readers’ tips for making breakout rooms less awkward and more productive.

"How to Make Your Teaching More Engaging" (by Sara Rose Cavanagh, The Chronicle of Higher Ed. March 11, 2019)

This Chronicle’s article provides an understanding of some of the principles helpful to increase interests, energy, and enthusiasm among students.

"How to Hold a Better Class Discussion" (May 23, 2019. The Chronicle of Higher Ed.)

Jay Howard covers topics such as strategies to change the norms of class discussions, keeping the discussion on track, participation grades, and handling divisive topics. This is written in-person classroom settings in mind, but some tips could be used for online classes.

Center forTeachingExcellence