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Midday Artist Series

February 24, 7:30 AM - 8:45 AM
Midday Artist Series<br>Englewinds


Sarah Davol, oboe, English horn, ocarina; Marsha Hankle, flute; Mitch Kriegler, clarinet; R.J. Kelley, horn; Atsuko Sato, bassoon; Tomoko Ohno, piano (WP ’93)

Englewinds is an ensemble that performs music by living composers and specializes in music that creates environmental awareness. Since 1998 the ensemble has performed concerts to open a nature conservancy, to celebrate a Peace labyrinth, to protest noise pollution and overbuilding in New Jersey wetlands, to heighten awareness of Lenape Native American history, to call attention to diminishing turtle and Monarch butterfly habitat, and to raise funds for the international Water for Life program.


Admission:  Free

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