Civic Engagement and Philanthropy

Civic Engagement - Student Participation Verification Form

Submit this Civic Engagement Participation Form to receive “credit” towards your Civic Engagement Badge for participation in a verified civic engagement activity. Service may include activities not sponsored through WP; activities sponsored through WP but not affiliated with a UCC5 course; or other WP service activities otherwise not submitted for Badge “credit”. For additional information about WP Civic Engagement and WP LEADS Badge requirements, see


Students who participate in the Civic Engagement badge will:

  • become civically engaged so that upon graduation they will have had experiences that include service, advocacy, citizenship, voting and political debate.
  • participate in high and low level civic engagement co-curricular activities, with opportunities both on and off campus.
  • assess their learning and understanding of civic issues and the impact of their involvement on self and the community.


  • Complete two (2) low level civic engagement activities. Some activities that may be considered low level include
    (but not limited to):
    • organizing drives, collections, etc.
    • participating in walks for Breast Cancer Awareness and Suicide Prevention.
    • fraternity / sorority, student organization and student athlete service activities.
    • volunteering/community service such as park clean-ups, Father English activities, Boys and Girls Club, etc.
    • participate in American Democracy Project (ADP) activities.
    • attend a Civic Engagement workshop, speaker, etc.
  • Complete two (2) high level civic engagement activities with reflection / assessment. Activities that may be considered high level include (but not limited to):
    • curricular based service learning such as UCC 5 and capstone courses with service-learning components (Public Health student research projects, etc.)
    • co-curricular service learning activities such as Alternate Spring Break, Martin Luther King Day of Service activities, Pioneer Service Ventures, etc.
    • Learning Communities and Living Learning Communities with a significant civic/service component
    • study abroad (with a service component)
    • campus or community leadership positions that include a significant service and reflection component.