Civic Engagement and Philanthropy


Students who participate in the Civic Engagement badge will:

  • become civically engaged so that upon graduation they will have had experiences that include service, advocacy, citizenship, voting and political debate.
  • participate in high and low level civic engagement co-curricular activities, with opportunities both on and off campus.
  • assess their learning and understanding of civic issues and the impact of their involvement on self and the community.


  • Complete two (2) low level civic engagement activities. Some activities that may be considered low level include
    (but not limited to):
    • organizing drives, collections, etc.
    • participating in walks for Breast Cancer Awareness and Suicide Prevention.
    • fraternity / sorority, student organization and student athlete service activities.
    • volunteering/community service such as park clean-ups, Father English activities, Boys and Girls Club, etc.
    • participate in American Democracy Project (ADP) activities.
    • attend a Civic Engagement workshop, speaker, etc.
  • Complete two (2) high level civic engagement activities with reflection / assessment. Activities that may be considered high level include (but not limited to):
    • curricular based service learning such as UCC 5 and capstone courses with service-learning components (Public Health student research projects, etc.)
    • co-curricular service learning activities such as Alternate Spring Break, Martin Luther King Day of Service activities, Pioneer Service Ventures, etc.
    • Learning Communities and Living Learning Communities with a significant civic/service component
    • study abroad (with a service component)
    • campus or community leadership positions that include a significant service and reflection component.

Civic Engagement - Student Participation Verification Form

Civic Engagement may also include activities not sponsored through WP; activities sponsored through WP but not affiliated with a UCC5 course; or other WP service activities otherwise not submitted for Badge “credit”.

To receive “credit” towards your Civic Engagement Badge for participation in a verified civic engagement activity, submit this Civic Engagement Participation Form.  For additional information about WP Civic Engagement and WP LEADS Badge requirements, see