Tobias Collection | Artists' Books | Sculpture on Campus | Hobart Manor Stephen Antonakos | Tom BillsRosemarie Castoro | Bill Finneran | Tova Beck-Friedman | Michel Gerard | Bradford Graves | Maria A. Hall | Marion Held |Albert E. Henselmann | Lyman Kipp | Elaine Lorenz | Sally Minker | Richard Nonas | Merrill Wagner The most important sculptural concept of the 20th century was the idea that form and space could communicate ideas and emotions independent of representation. This concept was central to modern painting as well; but while it was easily accepted into that realm, it met with resistance when applied to sculpture. The developments in sculpture have generally been perceived as provocative and controversial. The Sculpture on Campus program is dedicated to the creation of an environment where these ideas may be discovered, discussed, and if need be, challenged. We hope this guide will prove an asset to our students, faculty, staff and the public, and help stimulate new ideas.