What PRAXIS tests do I need to become a teacher?

PRAXIS Subject Assessment: The NJ Department of Education requires the PRAXIS Subject Assessment to test content knowledge of the subject or subjects you wish to teach.  This test is required to begin Clinical Practice I (CPI). Click here for specific details on how to register, how to end scores, fees, scholarships, timelines, test numbers and more!  

How Do I Prepare for a PRAXIS Exam?


  • Lending Library Borrow a study guide from the David and Lorraine Cheng Library or from the College of Education.
  • Praxis LibGuide Resources  Librarian Neil Grimes shares numerous resources with you to help you prepare for the tests.
  • Workshops  Workshops may be available for free for WP students for various tests.

Basic Skills Requirement for Teacher Preparation Removal:

On January 1, 2025, the NJ Department of Education will no longer require the basic skills assessment (PRAXIS CORE) for entry to teacher preparation programs or for issuance of the Certificate of Eligibility, except for those persons pursuing the state’s limited certifications: Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing (Limited CE) or the Limited Certificate of Eligibility With Advanced Standing (Limited CEAS).  Please see the NJDOE’s published broadcast: Basic Skills Update