What? PRAXIS Subject Assessment measures your content knowledge in the subject/s you will be teaching. It is a certification requirement, required to be taken for entry to Clinical Practice I and required to be passed for entry to Clinical Practice II. When? Entry to Clinical Practice I will require that official scores be received by the university (code 2518) by August 15th for Fall CPI and by January 1st for Spring CPI. Entry to Clinical Practice II will require that official, passing scores are received by the university by August 15th for Fall CPII and by January 1st for Spring CPII. Scores may take up to 1 month to arrive to the university. How to Register: Be prepared to register using your correctly spelled name and social security number. Ensure that WP (recipient code 2518) and NJ Dept. of Education (recipient code 7666) receive your scores. Register here: https://www.ets.org/praxis/register/ Fees: Test fees range from $130- $180 (some sub-tests are $64). Scholarship for Fee Payment! If you are receiving financial aid, you can request help paying for your test. Click here The testing company also has fee waivers available: Click here; see page 12 Accommodations: Disability accommodations (students must register with the WPUNJ Accessibility Resource Center at least one year prior to testing) English Language Learners Accommodations: The ETS testing company offers accommodations for test takers for whom English was not the primary language (PLNE). In the following link, you will find directions on applying for PLNE accommodations and the forms to use (p.12-13 and p. 38-39): Click here How do I prepare? Click Here Which Test/s Do I need? Certification Area: Praxis(II) Subject Assessment Code Score Early Childhood Education(Preschool - Grade 3) Effective September 1, 2015 5025 156 Elementary Multiple Subjects 5001 Reading and language Arts Subtest 5002 157** Mathematics Subtest 5003 157** Social Studies Subtest 5004 155 Science Subtest 5005 159 Middle School English Language Arts 5047 164 Middle School French and 5174 162 OPI Testing Link:http://www.languagetesting.com/ OPI(do not take ProFluent) Advanced Low or higher is required Middle School: Mathematics (Calculator allowed.) (Scores prior to Oct. 1, 2021 will be accepted for the prior exam 5169 with a minimum score of 165.) 5164 157 Middle School Science (Scores prior to Oct. 1, 2021 will be accepted for the prior exam 5440 with a minimum score of 150.) 5442 152 Middle School Social Studies 5089 158 Middle School Spanish and 5195 168 OPI Testing Link:http://www.languagetesting.com/ OPI(do not take ProFluent) Advanced Low or higher is required Art: Content Knowledge 5134 158 Biology and 5236 154 General Science 5436 141 Chemistry, and 5246 156 General Science 5436 141 Chinese OPI Testing link: http://www.languagetesting.com/ OPI(do not take ProFluent) Intermediate High or Above Earth Science, and 5572 154 General Science 5436 141 English Language Arts 5038 167 French: World Language and 5174 162 OPI testing link:http://www.languagetesting.com/ OPI (do not take ProFluent) Intermediate High or Above Health and Physical Education 5857 160 Japanese OPI Testing link: http://www.languagetesting.com/ OPI (do not take ProFluent) Intermediate High or Above Mathematics (On-screen graphing calculator provided) (Scores prior to Oct. 1, 2021 will be accepted for the prior exam 5161 with a minimum score of 160.) 5165 159 Music 5113 153 Physical Education 5091 148 Physical Science – Chemistry and 5246 156 Physics and 5266 145 General Science 5436 141 Social Studies 5081 157 Spanish and 5195 168 OPI Testing link:http://www.languagetesting.com/ OPI (do not take ProFluent) Intermediate High or Above Bilingual Endorsement Required tests: http://www.languagetesting.com/ Requirements: Oral English Written English Oral Second Language Written Second Language Ways to demonstrate proficiency for each requirement> Achieve “Intermediate High” score or greater on the English Oral Proficiency (OPI) assessment Pass the Basic Skills Assessment (Praxis CORE); ORAchieve “Advanced Low” or greater on the English Written Proficiency Test (WPT); OR Achieve “Intermediate High” or greater on the WPT if Second Language WPT score is “Advanced Low” or better. Achieve “Advanced Low” or greater on the Oral Proficiency Interview Test in the foreign language;OREstablish that he/she was primarily educated at the undergraduate or graduate level in that language. Achieve “Advanced Low” or greater on the Written Proficiency Test (WPT) in the foreign language;ORAchieve “Intermediate High” or greater on the WPT if English WPT score is “Advanced Low” or better. If you wish to utilize the second option of the Oral Second Language category, please hand deliver an official, unopened foreign credential evaluation, with a written request to use the document in lieu of the language OPI to the WP Office of Education Enrollment and Certification. If you wish to use the PRAXIS CORE writing scores for the Written English requirement, please provide a written note and copies of your scores to the Office of Education Enrollment and Certification. English as a Second Language Endorsement Required tests :Candidates must present evidence of passing oral and written English language proficiency tests (OPI & WPT). http://www.languagetesting.com/ Administrator/School Leader To Be Certified in You Need to Take Test Code Qualifying Score Principal School Leaders Licensure Assessment (PDF) (Computer) (Must use SLS Bulletin to register.) 6011 163 REGISTRATION, TEST CENTERS AND SCORE REPORTING: The Praxis SeriesEducational Testing ServiceP.O. Box 6051Princeton, NJ 08541-6051(800) 772-9476 The School Leadership Series Educational Testing ServiceP.O. Box 6051 Princeton, NJ 08541-6051(800) 772-9476The bulletins are also available online at the Praxis Web Site: http://www.ets.org/praxis and at the School Leadership Series Web Site: http://www.ets.org/sls. Please request to have a copy of your score to be sent to William Paterson University and the NJ DOE by coding R2518 AND R7666 on your registration form. You must also include your Social Security number when completing your registration form. PRAXIS Disability Accommodation Requests Helpful links: http://www.ets.org/praxis/register/disabilities?WT.ac=praxishome_disabilities_121126 and http://www.ets.org/disabilities/documentation Allow ample time. Your first step is to contact the WPUNJ Accessibility Resource Center. or 973-720-2853 https://www.wpunj.edu/accessibilityresourcecenter/ If you are requesting accommodations for a disability or a health-related need, you must register by mail. However, you may create a My Praxis account to view scores online and order additional score reports. Follow the steps below to register for an exam when requesting PRAXIS disability accommodations: Review The Praxis Series™ Information Bulletin (PDF) for testing procedures and dates. Complete the Praxis Registration Form (PDF). Review the Bulletin Supplement for Test Takers with Disabilities or Health-related Needs (PDF), complete the required forms and assemble the required eligibility documentation. Submit all forms, documentation and registration fees at least six weeks before the registration deadline. Wait for your confirmation letter, which will include important scheduling information. Please allow six weeks for your request to be processed.