Programs Not Included in the National Review Process
The following programs are not included in the national review process:
I. Initial Teacher Preparation:
Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification K-12
All five programs lead to initial teacher certification and have been reviewed and approved by the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE)—see Exhibit 1.
- English- Post- Baccalaureate
- Foreign Languages-French*, Spanish, Chinese** & Japanese**-Post Baccalaureate—
-Mathematics-Post Baccalaureate
- Science-Post Baccalaureate
- Social Studies Post-Baccalaureate-
* French: 1 program completer in the last 3 years **Chinese & Japanese: New Programs: no enrollments or program completers as of fall 2010.
Garden State Urban Residency Program-Alternate Dual Program Reviewed & Approved by NJDOE—No completers as of 12/2010
Key Assessments and Scoring Guides for the Programs Above not Included in the National Review Process
1. Praxis II Exams - CF Outcome: Knowledge
2. Dispositions Assessment - CF Outcome: Dispositions
3. OPI (Spanish, French programs only) - CF Outcome: Knowledge
4. 20 Competencies Assessment Form-Practicum - CF Outcome: all, Knowledge, Applications & Dispositions
5. 20 Competencies Assessment Form: Student Teaching- CF Outcome: Knowledge, Applications, & Dispositions
6. SPA competencies Evaluation Forms - Practicum & Student Teaching: Knowledge, Applications: ACTFL | NCSS | NCTE | NCTM | NSTA
7. Teacher Work Sample - CF Outcomes: Knowledge, Applications, & Dispositions
8. Self Assessment (Program Completion Questionnaire) - CF Outcomes: Knowledge, Applications, & Dispositions
9. Follow-up Studies - CF Outcomes: Knowledge, Applications and Dispositions