Welcome to the Audiovisual Perception Laboratory! The AVP lab is dedicated to the study of auditory and audiovisual perception as they apply to psychacoustics, speech, language, motion, music, and the many other related factors. In studying perception we seek to clarify how humans use the information in their environments to support successful behaviors.
We encourage you to learn about the research and people of the AVP lab using the links and information contained within this website. If you have any specific questions about the lab and/or its current projects please contact the lab director Dr. Michael Gordon.
If you are looking for opportunities to get involved in perceptual research, including such topics as: Music Perception, Motion Perception, Audiovisual Speech Perception, Hearing Perception, Emotion Perception, Game-based Motivation, Perceptual Changes with Health and in Older Adults , then you are welcome to complete and submit the attached PDF.
Audiovisual Perception Laboratory
Dr. Michael S. Gordon (lab director)Science Hall East, Room 2018 (correspondence to Room 2062)William Paterson University 300 Pompton Road Wayne, NJ 07470 Phone: (973) 720-2148 Fax: (973) 720-3392