Research Assistant Positions Available Students who are interested in going to graduate school need to gain some research experience. Research assistants get hands on experience with a functioning research lab and every part of the research process. Students in their second and third year are particularly encouraged to contact Dr. Learmonth about joining the lab. Lab volunteers Students start out in the lab as volunteers. Volunteers participate in lab activities for 3-6 hours a week to get a feel for what happens in the lab. All students who get credit from the lab have some volunteer experience. The purpose of the volunteer experience is to allow the student to gain a practical idea of the lab and the research before they commit to the lab for a full semester. Lab volunteers must have PSY 2020 and PSY 2030 (PSY 2030 may be in progress). Research credits Students must have completed PSY 2020 and 2030 Student must have at least 60 credits A GPA of 3.0 or above Must have volunteer experience Must commit 3 hours a week per credit to the lab What you get from the lab Research experience for grad school Close collaboration with other students and Dr. Learmonth The possibility of authorship on a professional research presentation The opportunity to go to a professional conference