Publications and Presentations

Recent Publications in the Lab

Cascardi, M., & Avery-Leaf, S. (2019). Correlates of persistent victimization by romantic partners: a short-term prospective study. Violence and victims34(2), 243-259.

Cascardi, M. & *Kaplenko, H. (submitted). Risk Inventory and Strengths Evaluation. The Mental Measurements Yearbook.

Cascardi, M. & *Pearsall, C. (submitted). Functional Behavior Assessment of Bullying. The Mental Measurements Yearbook.

Cascardi, M., & * Bujalski, A. (2019). Self-reports and questionnaires. In R. D. Morgan (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Criminal Psychology (vol. 3). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Cascardi, M., *Kraus, A., Salis, K.L., O’Leary, K.D., Sargent, K., Grych, J.H., & Jouriles, E.N. (2018). The Bystander Behavior Scale (for Friends): Confirmatory factor analysis and association with prior victimization. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

Cascardi, M., King, C., *Rector, D., & *DelPozzo, J. (2018). School-based violence prevention laws: Overlapping or distinct? Special Issue of the Preventing violence: The role of public policies in preventing intimate partner violence, teen dating violence, and sexual violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence,33(21), 3267-3297

Cascardi, M., Chesin, M., & *Kammen, M.  (2018). Personality correlates of intimate partner violence subtypes: A latent class analysis. Aggressive Behavior, 44(4), 348-361. doi: 10.1002/ab.21756

Cascardi, M., & Jouriles, E.N. (2018). A study space analysis and narrative review of trauma informed mediators of dating violence. Trauma, Violence and Abuse, 19(3), 266-285. doi: 10.1177/152483801665948

Cascardi, M., & Jouriles, E. N. (2018). Mechanisms Underlying the Association of Exposure to Family of Origin Violence and Adolescent Dating Violence. In D. A. Wolfe & J. R. Temple (Eds.), Adolescent Dating Violence: Theory, Research, and Prevention (pp. 159-188). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

Cascardi, M., Avery-Leaf, S., & * Rosselli, M. K. (2018). Conflict Tactics Scale- 2. In J. Lebow, A. Chambers, & D. C. Breulin (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy. New York, NY: Springer.

Cascardi, M., & *Bujalski, A. (2017). Standardized Assessment of Miranda Abilities. The Twentieth Mental Measurements Yearbook. In Carlson, J. F., Geisinger, K. F., & Jonson, J. L. (eds.). NE: University of Nebraska Press, Buros Center for Testing.

*indicates student co-author

In the Media ....

October 15, 2018.

June, 1, 2017.

 Cascardi, M. & *Bujalski, A. (2016). When Love Hurts: How to Avoid Teen Dating Violence.

Recent Presentations in the Lab

Pearsall, C., Cascardi, M., Chesin, M., & *Navarro, V. (November, 2019). Mindfulness and its Role in Understanding the Relation of Child Maltreatment and Intimate Partner Violence to Depressive and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms. Poster presented at 53rd Annual Convention of the Association of Behavior and Cognitive Therapies, Atlanta, GA.

*Navarro, V., Cascardi, M., *Pearsall, C., *Connolly, M., & *Kammen, M. (November, 2019). Playful aggression in romantic relationships: Is it more harm than good? Poster presented at 53rd Annual Convention of the Association of Behavior and Cognitive Therapies, Atlanta, GA.

*Connolly, M., *Kammen, K., *Pearsall, C., & Cascardi, M. (November, 2019). Do Early Maladaptive Schemas Moderate the Relationship Between Risk Appraisal and Unresponsive Bystander Behavior? Poster  presented at 53rd Annual Convention of the Association of Behavior and Cognitive Therapies, Atlanta, GA.

Cascardi, M., *Kammen, M., *Pearsall, C., *Navarro, V., & *Connolly, M. (July, 2018). A conceptual typology for measuring adolescent relationship abuse: Development and contextual considerations. Poster Presentation at the International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Cascardi, M., King, C., *Rector, D., & *DelPozzo, J. (March, 2018). School-based violence prevention laws: Separate but equal or confusing and redundant? Paper presented at the American-Psychology Law Society Conference, Memphis, TN.

*Kammen, M., *Rosselli, M., *Bujalski, A. & Cascardi, M. (August, 2017). Correlates of Relationship Dissolution: Social Learning, Attachment, and Conflict Theories. Poster Presentation at American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

*Rosselli, M., *Kammen, M., *Bujalski, A. & Cascardi, M. (August, 2017). Trauma-Related Predictors of Repeated Physical Dating Victimization. Poster Presentation at American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.