The teaching and research facilities of the chemistry department are located in SCIENCE HALL. Major instrumentation for research and laboratory coursework is listed below: Spectroscopy Bruker Advance 400 Wide-Bore NMR Spectrometer with Solid (MAS) and Diffusion Accessories Jeol CG Mass Spectrometer Thermo-Nicolet Nexus 470 FTIR Spectrophotometer Agilent 8453 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer Fluoromax-3 Flourescence Spectrophotometer Shimadzu Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer Bruker EMX EPR Spectrometer with Oxford Liquid Helium Cryostat Imaging Facilty Molecular Imaging Atomic Force Microscope Ziess Transmission Electron Microscope Ziess Scanning Electron Microscope Molecular Sizing Chromatography Waters Gel Permeation Chromatography Chromatography Shimadzu GC-17A Gas Chromatograph Waters Acuity Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatograph Lehman Labs Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometer Dionex Ion Chromatograph