Use the numbers below to contact us. Staff are present from 7:30 am until 5:00 pm. For most communication telephone is the best first contact. You may send e-mail to the managerial and administrative staff, or send interoffice mail. You may want to visit our central offices located in the Maintenance Building across from Public Safety. You may also arrange for a meeting; face to face is often the most complete form of communication. Mailing Address:William Paterson UniversityPhysical Plant Operations300 Pompton RdWayne, NJ 07470 Physical Plant Operations Office Number: 973.720.2142 or ext 2142 Fax Numbers:Main Building: 973.720.2493 or ext 2493Valley Rd Building: 973.720.3757 or ext 3757Gaede Hall: 973.720.3703 or ext 3703 After 5:00 PM Contact: Campus Police: 973.720.2300 or ext 2300300 Pompton RdWayne, NJ 07470
Administrative Offices James ShelleyDirector973.720.3248 Bill SiegristAssistant Director, P.E., PPO973-720- Lenee WoodsonAssistant Director, Facilities Services973-720-2143 Rakeisha VinalesOffice Manager973-720-3247 Fengai MbayoCustodial & Logistical Support Manager973.720.3857 Custodial Supervisor973-720-3782 Jerry PetrulloFire&Safety Inspector973.720.3369 Plumbing Supervisor973.720.2372 Rich Kopack Carpentry Supervisor 973.720.3372 Keith McNieSupervisor of Institutional Grounds & Recycling973.720.2152 Khalid SandersStoreroom Supervisor973.720.3367 George UrgoloLocksmith973.720.3370 Angelo DaliaAuto Shop Supervisor973.720.2617 Scott BowersoxHVAC Supervisor973.720.3758 Raymond BooneMailroom Supervisor973.720.3368