AFT Part-Time Professional Staff with Three Years Service or Less

Retention Policy and Procedure

The policy and procedures set out hereunder shall apply to part-time professional staff with three (3) years or less than three (3) years service who are (a) employed in regular, recurrent positions, (b) work at least half of a full load, and (c) employed on either a one-year contract or on a least a second half year contract occurring during any two (2) consecutive academic years.

I. Criteria for reappointment

  1. Evaluation of professional performance

    After meeting with the part-time professional staff member, the immediate supervisor will prepare an evaluation and recommendation for each part-time professional staff and submit it through the appropriate levels of supervision to the Dean or Director. The individual candidate shall be given an opportunity to respond to the supervisor’s evaluation and recommendation. Any written response supplied by the candidate shall become part of the reappointment folder.

  2. Department Review

    The Dean or Director will forward a report together with his/her evaluation and recommendation to the appropriate Vice President.

  3. Vice Presidential review

The Vice President shall notify the part-time professional staff of his/her decision.