Sick leave - Unclassified Employees

Employees submitting a medical note should ensure that the note contains the following information:

1. the date the employee was seen by the doctor;
2. the date(s) the employee was out or will be out;
3. the expected date of return;
4. a statement from the doctor that the employee is unable to carry out expected duties.

Any medical excuse not containing this information will be returned for the necessary details. All medical documentation should be sent to the Payroll and Employee Benefits Office using the My Documents Upload page within WP Connect.

Faculty sick leave should be charged in the following manner:

1. In instances where the faculty member's period of medical leave includes intermittent days on which classes are and are not scheduled, the leave shall consist of the entire number of days in question. For example: Professor A has classes Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Professor A is ill on Wednesday and Friday during a particular week. Professor A is then charged sick leave for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. However, if Professor A is only out sick on Wednesday and has no college responsibilities on Tuesday and Thursday, then he is only charged sick leave for Wednesday.

In items 2-3 below, medical documentation is required excusing the employee from work and returning them to work while on a medical leave of absence.

2. In the event that a faculty member is required to take a medical leave of absence for an entire academic year, and he/she has enough earned sick leave for the entire academic year, the faculty member will be charged sick time for the number of days classes are in session during the Fall and Spring semester. Holidays for which the entire University is closed are not, however, to be charged as sick time. A faculty member would receive holiday pay for the following: Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Years Day, Martin Luther King's Day, Good Friday, and Memorial Day.

3. In the event that a faculty member is required to take a medical leave of absence for either the Fall or Spring academic semester and he/she has earned enough sick leave to apply during the semester, he/she will be charged sick leave through the last day of the semester. Should the individual provide medical documentation that he/she can return to work prior to the end of the semester, the University must make arrangements for the employee to work. The employee is not to be charged sick leave for the following holidays: Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Years Day, Martin Luther King's Day, Good Friday and Memorial Day. They also should not be charged during winter and spring breaks.