Presentation Training Classroom

PTC Front

Our Presentation Training Classroom (PTC) in Hamilton Hall 132A seats 15 people and has an observation deck with additional seating for 18. The PTC Room is equipped with a 70” touch screen display and a computer with internet access. This equipment is combined with several cameras, microphones, speakers and displays to offer participants a complete interactive video conference experience with locations around the world.

The presentation training classroom offers the following services:

  1. A/V recording of student presentations
  2. Long distance learning via Zoom Video Conferencing
  3. Video conferencing featuring Zoom meetings, webinars and candidate interviews
  4. Event overflow via the attached 18 seat observation deck

PTC Observation Room
Observation deck

Equipment List

PTC Console

  • 5 Sony robotic cameras
  • 9 Shure Condenser microphones, including 1 wireless mic
  • 4 large video monitors
  • 40 input Midas M32 Digital Audio Mixer
  • Windows 10 PC for slide show presentation
  • Tech operator console
  • Podium with backdrop

Instructions to Reserve

132A Classroom

Please use 25Live to reserve use of PTC as a physical space.  Separately, you may submit video conferencing requests by entering a HelpDesk ticket.  Please select "Videoconferencing Support" as the ticket's request type.

Note: An IRT technician is required to be present for all events scheduled in PTC.