Nominations for Participation

Steering Committee co-chairs Dr. Sandra Hill and Dr. Jonathan Lincoln presented a nomination process for positions on the eight working groups at a Campus Town Hall Meeting on December 12th, 2018.  The nomination process officially opened on that date and served as a means for faculty, staff, and administrators to volunteer themselves or nominate their colleagues to serve on a working group.  The nomination form allowed members of the WP community to make multiple nominations as well as state which MSCHE standards they preferred to work on.  Email announcements with a link to the nomination form were also sent to the University community by the President and the Provost during the nomination period which officially closed on January 21st, 2019.

Click here to view the nomination form


Working Group Charge:

The goal of the working group is to investigate, determine, and report out whether the university is meeting the criteria of the standard under review based on analysis of supporting evidence. It may also address some of the Requirements of Affiliation where appropriate. The group’s report will include recommendations for improvement.

Specifically the group will:

  • Identify relevant documents and processes related to the standard under review (research)
  • Analyze relevant documents and processes related to the standard in order to assess compliance, noting linkages where appropriate to the university’s mission and strategic plan
  • Describe the institution’s support of compliance with the standard, including strengths, challenges, and opportunities for improvement using evidence to support the claims (writing)
  • Describe the university’s periodic assessment of evidence and processes and show how the results were used for improvement
  • Provide periodic drafts for the Steering Committee
  • Submit a final report to the Steering Committee
  • Revise report per feedback provided by university constituents (response to feedback)

Fall 2018          Working group nominations
Spring 2019     Research and preliminary drafting of report on the standard
Fall 2019          Further drafting and preparation of final working group report
Spring 2020     Revision of final report per feedback of university and other constituents
Fall 2020          Steering Committee submits the full final report to MSCHE team for their review
Spring 2021     Members of steering and working committees participate in MSCHE site visit