
William Paterson University Professor Wins First Place National Award for Art Book on Cuban-American Painter Luis Cruz Azaceta

Alejandro Anreus, a professor of art history and Latin American/Latino Studies at William Paterson University, won a first place award for Art Book in English with his monograph on the Cuban-American painter, Luis Cruz Azaceta, part of the A Ver monograph series in the International Latino Book Awards, on June 27, 2015.

Born in Havana, Cuba, Professor Anreus regularly participates in panels and seminars on Latin American and Latino art. Among the exhibitions he has organized are Ben Shahn and The Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti, Juan Sánchez: Printed Convictions, Subversions/Affirmations: Jaune Quick-to-See Smith at the Jersey City Museum, and Bending the Grid: Luis Cruz Azaceta at the Aljira Center for Contemporary Art in Newark, NJ.

Anreus has been published widely in journals such as Art Journal, Art Nexus, ArteFacto, Third Text, Commonweal and Encuentro de la Cultura Cubana, and has written many exhibition catalogues. He is the author of Orozco in Gringoland: The Years in New York, and he is co-editor and contributor to Mexican Muralism: A Critical History with Robin Adele Greeley and Leonard Folgarait. Anreus earned a Ph.D. in art history from the Graduate Center, City University of New York.  His monograph on painter Luis Cruz Azaceta is part of the A Ver series of monographs on living Latino artists, edited by Chon Noriega at the UCLA Chicano Studies Center Press

The International Latino Book Awards were held at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis as part of the American Library Association 2015 Conference. Over the last 17 years the International Latino Book Awards has grown to become the largest Latino literary and cultural awards in the United States.
