Important Refund Information Cancellation of the housing contract by the student occupant must be submitted via the Residence Life Housing Portal which can be found in WP Connect. Upon cancellation of this contract by the student occupant, the student occupant will forfeit his/her entire room application/damage fee, and will be subject to the refund policy as stated below. Refunds of room charges are applied to student's account based upon the refund schedule. Withdraws from housing may affect a student's financial aid award. If a student has already moved in to their assigned space, they are required to vacate University housing within 48 hours of submission of the housing cancellation or Academic Dismissal/enrollment dropped for unpaid student account balances, and cease using the meal plan associated with the housing assignment. Students will be held liable for room and meal plan/Pioneer Express charges incurred beyond their last date of attendance. The date the Department of Residence Life receives written notice of cancellation is the official cancellation date, or the date of final Judicial outcome is the cancellation date. Housing Refund Schedule If the housing cancellation date is by Friday, January 17, 2025, the last business day prior to the semester's official move-in period, the occupant is entitled to a refund of room charges equal to 100% of the room charged billed, if the assigned space has never been occupied. If the cancellation date is after the semester move-in period begins but before or on Thursday, January 30, 2025, the student occupant is entitled to a refund of room charges equal to 90% of the room charge billed, provided the room is vacated on the date of cancellation. Resident students who have a room assigned, and do not move into the assignment, may be charged a 10% cancellation fee for late notification after the residence halls open for the semester. If the housing cancellation date is between Friday, January 31, 2025 and Friday, March 7, 2025, the student occupant is entitled to a refund of room charge equal to 50% of the room charge billed, provided the room is vacated on the date of cancellation. If the cancellation date is on or after Saturday, March 8, 2025, the student occupant is not entitled to any refund of the room charges and will be billed for the semester charges. If a student is academically dismissed from the University, the student must withdraw from housing via Res Center and the same refund schedule will apply. Official Withdraw from Housing A student must officially submit a request to withdraw from their Housing Contract through the ResCenter Housing Portal. Our posted housing refund policy applies to all cancellations. Cancellations occurring during a semester are subject to inspection of the vacated room for any damages. Refunds of meal plans/Pioneer Express funds are handled by Hospitality Services. For more information about meal plan refunds, call 973-720-2671, or visit their website here.