Contact Information

  • College Common Hours: 

    Tuesdays and Thursdays: 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

    Fridays: 9:30 am - 4:00 pm


  • Insurance for Sports
    • Athletic Accident/Intercollegiate Sports Insurance for University NCAA Teams
    • Club Sports-Excess Accident and Catastrophic Athletic Insurance
      • The University maintains coverage for select Club Sports participants.  The policies provide certain coverages for students who sustain injuries while participating in identified Club Sports.  This insurance is administered through University Athletics, who is supported by Risk Management.

  • Property Insurance
    •   University Property
      • As part of the New Jersey State Colleges and Universities insurance consortium, the University purchases property insurance to protect against damage to, or the theft of, University property. The University’s property insurance covers loss of building contents, equipment, and the property of others placed in the University’s care, custody, and control when the property is in a building owned or leased by the University.  The coverage does not extend to personal property of students. When loss or damage to University property does occur, contact should be made to Risk Management immediately.  If the damage or loss was associated with a criminal act, please first contact the University Police Department. In cases where the loss exceeds the applicable deductible(s), Risk Management is responsible for filing a claim.
    •  Student Property
      •  The University does not maintain insurance for student personal property.  The University’s Residence Hall Contract identifies that the University shall accept no responsibility for theft or other loss of money, valuables, or personal effects of the student occupant due to, but not limited to, fire, smoke, or water damage.
      •   Students who experience property damage or loss while residing in University Residence Halls should notify University Residence Life, and the University Police Department if the damage or loss was associated with a criminal act.
      •  It is recommended that students determine if they have property insurance coverage available under a parent/guardian homeowner’s insurance policy; if not, students should consider separately purchasing renters insurance or dorm insurance. Fine arts
    • Fine arts
      •  The University maintains a separate policy for fine arts that protects the University-owned collection and works on loan for exhibit at the University.
      •   Please contact Risk Management for assistance with any coverage need. 

  • Auto Liability
    •  University Vehicles Used for Business
      •  University fleet vehicles are not insured, but are covered for tort liability by the State of New Jersey under a user-funded program administered by the State of New Jersey’s Division of Risk Management.  The vehicles themselves are not covered, but rather the employee driver is covered subject to the provisions of the New Jersey Tort Claims Act (N.J.S.A. 59:1-1 et seq.). The Act provides that the State will indemnify and defend employees of the State against claims arising out of their negligent acts, errors or omissions, provided that the employee is within the scope of their employment, and the act or failure to act was not because of actual fraud, actual malice or willful misconduct.  The State’s auto liability user-funded program is not auto insurance and for legal reasons should never be referred to as auto insurance.  All business travel involving University vehicles is to be done with the approval of the University.  Students as students are not permitted to operate University vehicles.
      •  See Reporting Procedures-Vehicle Accident Reporting Procedures for reporting requirements.
    •   Rental Vehicles Used for University Business?
      •  Only University Employees within the scope of their employment with the University are permitted to operate vehicles rented by the University. 
      •  Rental agencies are only required to maintain minimum limits of coverage for rental vehicles.  It is recommended by Risk Management that the additional insurances available through the rental agency be purchased.  Please note that the individual’s personal auto liability insurance policy may also offer coverage for rental vehicles.  The aforementioned insurances would be primary for any claims arising out of employee’s use of the rented vehicle while on University business. Subject to the conditions of the NJ Tort Claims Act, the state auto liability program may potentially provide coverage in excess of the other insurance.
      • See Reporting Procedures-Vehicle Accident Reporting Procedures for reporting requirements.
    •   Personal Vehicles Used for University Business.
      •  Employees should only use Personal Vehicles for University business with prior authorization from the University.
      •   University Travel Procedures
      •  The travel reimbursement rate includes reimbursement for the employee’s auto insurance cost.  The employee is responsible for obtaining and maintaining auto liability insurance as required by law at all times.
      • The employee’s individual auto insurance is primary for any claims arising out of the employee’s use of their personal auto on university business. Subject to the conditions of the NJ Tort Claims Act, the state auto liability program may potentially provide coverage in excess of the other insurance.
      •   If the employee elects to not insure their vehicle for collision loss and their vehicle is damaged while being used on college business they are not entitled to any reimbursement over the normal travel allowance.  The same also applies to any deductibles the employee may have selected.
      •  See Reporting Procedures-Vehicle Accident Reporting Procedures for reporting requirements.

    • Student Blanket Professional and General Liability Insurance
      •  Through the New Jersey State Colleges and Universities insurance consortium, the University maintains professional liability and general liability insurance for students who are participating in University-approved curriculum-based practicums and internships, as reported through the academic departments.
      • Requests for Evidence of Insurance for Students in covered curriculum-based practicums/internships should be made to Risk Management by the requesting University academic department.  Students are not to contact Risk Management directly. 
      • Affiliation Agreements and other contracts used to place students in curriculum-based practicums and internships should be reviewed with Risk Management

      • University Liability
        • Statement on Liability/the New Jersey Tort Claims Act
          •  As part of the State of New Jersey, the University is bound by the same statutory provisions.  Any agreement signed on behalf of the State of New Jersey by a State official shall be subject to all of the provisions of the New Jersey Tort Claims Act N.J.S.A.59:1-1 et. seq., the New Jersey Contractual Liability Act N.J.S.A. 59:13-1 et. seq., and the availability of appropriations.  The State of New Jersey does not carry public liability insurance, but the liability of the State and the obligation of the State to be responsible for tort claims against its employees, is covered under the terms and provisions of the New Jersey Tort Claims Act.  The State shall be liable for injury proximately caused by the acts or omissions of its employees within the scope of their employment, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 59:2-2.  The Act also creates a special self-insurance fund and provides for payment of claims under the Act against the State of New Jersey or against its employees for which the State is obligated to indemnify against tort claims which arise out of the performance of their duties.
        • Requests for Evidence of Insurance for the University and Its Employees 
          • The University does not carry liability insurance for its operations as it is covered for liability by the New Jersey Tort Claims Act.  The University demonstrates liability coverage by Risk Management providing a statement on liability letter.
          •  Requests for evidence of insurance for the University and its employees should be made by contacting Risk Management.
          • Please note that the statement on liability/the New Jersey Tort Claims Act does not apply to students or to employees not acting within the scope of their employment with the University.  Risk Management cannot provide evidence of insurance for students or for employees outside the scope of their employment.

      • Vehicle Accident Reporting Procedures
        • University Employees who are in vehicle accidents involving university-owned or rented vehicles are to:
          • Report the accident to the local authority having jurisdiction.  This may be the municipal police, state police, sheriff, or other law enforcement agency.  Obtain a copy of the report number. Once available, obtain a copy of the report.
          • Report the accident to their supervisor.
          • Report the accident to the University Police Department.
          • Within 24 hours or 1 business day of the accident, notify the state by completing an online RM1 form submission.  The online form and instructions for completing the form can be found at:
          • The employee involved in the accident, their supervisor, and the university fleet coordinator each need to access and complete the RM1 online submission. If the employee is unavailable, then the system also allows the supervisor to initiate the reporting. The system will ask the employee to identify their supervisor and email, and then the state’s system will send the supervisor an email link to complete their section. The supervisor then completes their information and identifies the university fleet coordinator, who is then emailed by the system to complete their section.
        • University Employees who are involved in vehicle accidents involving personal vehicles used for business should follow the above instructions, but should also notify their personal auto liability insurance carrier.
        • Employees who sustain injury while operating a vehicle for University Business should follow procedures for Work-Related Injury Reporting.

      • Claims Against the University
        • Claims for Bodily Injury or Property Damage made against the University should be referred for handling to the Department of Treasury, Division of Risk Management, PO Box 620, Trenton, New Jersey  08625.  Claim forms, along with contact information can be found at:
        • All medical emergencies, vehicle accidents, and suspected criminal activity on campus are to be reported to the University Police Department. Failure to notify the University could result in claims being denied by the State.
        • University Employees injured while working should follow Work-Related Injury Reporting procedures.
        • Please contact Risk Management with any questions.

      • Review of contract/agreement insurance language
        • All contract/agreement document sections pertaining to insurance requirements are to be reviewed with Risk Management prior to executing the contract.  Any changes requested by third parties to the University’s insurance requirements are to be reviewed and approved by Risk Management. 

      • Review of Certificates of Insurance
        • For any contract for goods or services, Risk Management can provide assistance with review of evidence of insurance presented. In order to perform review, please send Risk Management a copy of the agreement/contract, along with the Certificate of Insurance being reviewed.

      • Placement of insurance for special needs of the University
        • In certain instances, certain University operations or activities may not be covered by currently placed insurances or liability programs. In such a situation, Risk Management can assist with locating appropriate coverage. 
        • Review of University activities for risk management considerations (See drop down info 3)