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Tuition and Scholarships

Tuition and Fees

  • Commuters: $1,418 tuition (includes all concert admissions and music fees)
  • Residents: $1,749 (includes all the above plus room and meals)

NOTE: Early “Bird” special: 10% discount for participants if registered and paid in full by April 17, 2023.

You may pay online by credit card or electronic check.

Registration is first-come, first-served. Please register early to guarantee enrollment. Space is limited to the following: 12 brass instrumentalists, 18 saxophonists, 9 guitarists, 9 pianists, 9 bassists, 18 drummers, and 8 vocalists. Registrations are accepted until the workshop is full. Once instrument categories are full, waiting lists will be established. Applicants will be notified if placed on a waiting list.

For more information on registration call the College of Education at 973-390-2236.

Cancellation Policy

Youth Programs Cancellation Policy please click HERE


If you are interested in a scholarship based on financial need, please send an e-mail with your name, contact information, and the applicant's name and instrument to: Please put "Summer Jazz Workshop Scholarship" in the subject line of your e-mail.

Register now for the Summer Jazz Workshop!

You can live on campus or commute to the program. Note: participants 19 years old and older must commute. Please choose your application status below:

Artist in Residence

Wycliffe Gordon
Wycliffe Gordon

Faculty & Staff

Timothy Newman

Resident Faculty:
Jon Di Fiore
Steve La Spina
Marcus McLaurine
Kelly Green