Financial Aid » Opportunities in Biology » Internships Available in many academic majors. Check academic department web pages for information: GS-LSAMP-MAPS » (Garden State -Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation)These programs, led by Dr. Eliana Antoniu, provide support and mentoring to increase the participation of minority students in science. In cooperation with the Science Enrichment Center, these programs provide financial support for minority students to participate in summer research internships on and off campus. GS-LSAMP also hosts meetings where students present their work, socialize, and learn about available scholarships, grants, and research opportunities. Contact Dr. Antoniou for details and meeting times Scholarship Opportunity for Math / Computer Science / information Technology Majors The Mathematics and Computer Science (MaCS) Scholars Program funded by the National Science Foundation (Award #: 2028011), to support the enrollment and graduation of students majoring in Mathematics, Computer Science, or Computer Information Technology. The program provides scholarships, research opportunities, extracurricular opportunities in the field through internships and mentorships, and culturally responsive mentoring to academically talented, low-income undergraduates at WPU in these majors. Academic Support Available in many academic majors. Peer tutoring is available through the Science Enrichment Center. Nursing has a Nursing Student Success Plan. Also see the Universty's Academic Support Center. Student Clubs Department of Biology Galen Society Garden State-Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation/Minority Association of Premedical Students(GS-LSAMP-MAPS) Department of Chemistry Chemistry Club Department of Computer Science Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Student Chapter Computer Science Society Department of Environmental Science Earth First - Students for Environmental Action Department of Kinesiology Kinesiology Club Department of Mathematics Math Club Department of Nursing Nursing Students Association Summer Research Stipends Available through the Center for Research and through individual faculty grant awards. Undergraduate Student Research Symposium » sponsored by the Biology & Chemistry Departments as a regional conference where students can share their research results. Student Technology Consultant positions
Student Travel Available for academic projects on a selective basis. Rosetta Ford Sands Student Emergency Revolving Loan Fund This restricted loan fund is established to provide a source of money from which students may make interest-free emergency short-term (one or two semester) loans. Eligibility Criteria: Student must be a major in the College of Science and Health Student must be in good academic standing as defined by their academic department. Student may borrow up to $500 and must agree to repay the loan before the first day of scheduled final exams for the following semester. For information or application form call Ms. K. Lapadura at 973-720-3407.