Decolonization Pillar

Welcome to our Decolonization Pillar

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Decolonization means “resisting and actively unlearning the dangerous and harmful legacy of colonization, particularly the racist ideas that Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) people are inferior to White Europeans.” It necessitates interrogating and dismantling “power structures that carry legacies of racism, imperialism, and colonialism.” But more commonly, it calls on faculty to address a series of curricular, pedagogical, and evaluative challenges.

Decolonization can be defined as the "meaningful, deliberate & active resistance to forces of colonialism that perpetuate the subjugation and/or exploitation of our minds, bodies, & lands. Decolonization's primary purpose is to overturn the colonial structure(s) & realize Indigenous liberation."

3Cs Slides (reduced size).png

C3 Lenses: A Decolonization Approach 


Russell, D. (2024). C3 Lenses: A Decolonization Approach. William Paterson University.