For Dual Enrollment Teachers

For High School Teachers: 

  • Qualifications: 

    For the courses where high school teachers teach WP courses at the high school and are supervised by WP professors, qualifying high school teachers typically have a master’s degree in the discipline or related area to teach WP courses.  These certified high school teachers should submit their CV or resume to the appropriate William Paterson academic department for review.  The department approves qualified high school teachers as meeting the standards required of an adjunct professor.

  • Course Alignment: 

    The high school teacher must work with the supervising WP professor to ensure that the high school course contains all WP course Student learning course outcomes (SLO’s) and ensures they are all assessed and achieved.  The high school teacher cooperates with the WP supervising professor to arrange periodic visits to the high school class (either in-person or virtual) to ensure content collaboration and proper course alignment.

  • Deadlines:
    • Course outline and high school teacher resume submissions for the 2025-2026 academic year: May 1, 2025.
    • Student Applications: Fall/full year courses- September 30th.  Spring- January 30th.
    • Parental Consent Form Submission: Fall/full year courses- October 15th.  Spring- February 15th.
    • Withdrawals: Fall/full year courses- October 30th.  Spring- March 5th. *Email all withdrawals to Failure to notify WP of withdrawals will result in financial obligation on the student or school district.*
    • Payment: Fall/full year courses- November 15th.  Spring- March 15th.
    • Grades: Fall semester/half-year courses: February 15th. Fall, full-year and Spring semester courses- June 30th.  
    • **All individual dual enrollment students and cohort students taking students on the WP campus will adhere to the William Paterson University Semester Calendars deadlines**

For WPU Professors (A secure WP Connect account is required for access to these documents):