For Parents & Families

FERPA: Unlike the K-12 setting where a parent or authorized guardian may view their student’s grades or progress at any time, all college student grades, records, and information are protected by the federal privacy law called FERPA, which means only the student may access this information unless authorized consent is given otherwise. All William Paterson University students, including High School Dual Enrollment Students, are covered under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

  • Students may authorize release of their academic, financial aid, student account and/or disciplinary records to a third party (i.e., parents, grandparents, etc.) by completing the FERPA form on-line. The form can be accessed through the Self Service Tab of WPConnect, under "Enrollment Services" and by clicking the FERPA Release Form. These permissions will remain active until your anticipated date of graduation or until you notify the university.
  • CLICK HERE for an informative video on how to fill out and submit a FERPA release

Billing InformationFor individual students or cohorts in which the school district does not cover the tuitionindividual bills will be emailed to each student’s WPU email account or a third party authorized by the student.  Paper tuition bills are never mailed.

  • Add an authorized user for online bill payments: 
    • Students have the option to authorize a parent/guardian direct access to billing statements by checking off that option on their dual enrollment application.
    • OR via WP Connect: Click on the Student's Tab from the menu bar and go to the Billing and Payments section.  Click on the Bill and Payment Home link and go to My Profile Setup from the menu bar and then select Authorized Users.
  • E-check Payments: You can pay your bill by e-check directly on-line through WPConnect. Once you login, go to the Billing and Payments section and click on "Make a payment".  E-check payments can only be used with personal checking and savings accounts. Users can not use commercial or home equity loan accounts (HELOC) through E-Check. There is no user fee charged for payments by e-check.
  • Cash payments: In person payments can be made at Student Enrollment Services (SES), located in Morrison Hall (Entry 2 from Pompton Road)
  • Check/Money Order:

Mail to a check or money order to:

William Paterson University

PO Box 60051

Newark, NJ 07101-8054

Please include your student ID number on all check and money orders.  

  • If you have any questions regarding your bill, please contact Student Enrollment Services at 973-720-3945 or

**Please be advised that failure to pay the tuition bill by the posted deadline may prevent students from accessing their official transcripts and/or from being registered for any future courses at William Paterson.**

Student Email Accounts: All high school dual enrollment students will be issued an official WP email account and access to our student portal, WP Connect.  The University's Information Technology Department may only reset the account password and/or discuss the account with the account holder, as per FERPA requirements.

Admissions Criteria:

  • For cohort programs through the high school, the school district is responsible for identifying eligible students for each course being offered for college credit and ensuring these students are able to manage college-level course work. The GPA requirements are 3.25 and above for high school juniors and 3.0 and above for high school seniors.  High achieving high school sophomores may be eligible, at the school district's discretion.
  • All students taking dual enrollment courses individually, and not part of a cohort program, require a teacher, principal, or school counselor letter of recommendation.  GPA requirements are 3.25 and above for juniors and 3.0 for seniors.  Placement testing may be required for certain courses.  Individual dual enrollment students should contact The Office of Undergraduate Admissions at or 973-720-2125.

Deadlines for School Districts and Cohort Programs:

  • Course outline and high school teacher resume submissions for the 2025-2026 academic year: May 1, 2025.
  • Application: Fall/full year courses- September 30th.  Spring- January 30th.
  • Parental Consent Form Submission: Fall/full year courses- October 15th.  Spring- February 15th.
  • Withdrawals: Fall/full year courses- October 30th.  Spring- March 5th. *Email all withdrawals to Failure to notify WP of withdrawals will result in financial obligation on the student or school district.*
  • Payment: Fall/full year courses- November 15th.  Spring- March 15th.  *Failure to pay the tuition bill by the deadline may prevent students from accessing their official transcripts and/or from being registered for any future courses at William Paterson*
  • **All individual dual enrollment students and cohort students taking classes on the WP campus will adhere to the William Paterson University Semester Calendars deadlines**