
Victim/Survivor Services  

  • Confidential Advocacy
  • The Social Worker for Student Support & Resources is a confidential victim advocate available to identify, advocate for, coordinate, and follow up on services for victims/survivors of domestic/dating violence, stalking and sexual violence. Advocacy is a supportive service intended to help students who are impacted by violence.

    Campus Victim Services can provide:

    • Emotional support
    • Referrals to campus and community resources
    • Administrative support throughout the reporting, investigation, and hearing process
    • Psychoeducation on the impact of trauma and cycle of violence

    Advocacy is:

    • Trauma-informed
    • Survivor-centered
    • Empowerment-based
    • Confidential
    • Available to any student in the campus community, regardless of where and when an incident took place

    Advocacy is not:

    • An official report to the school
    • Counseling or therapy
    • Legal advice
    • Medical advice

    Confidentiality my be breached under the following circumstances:

    • When it is necessary to prevent you from injuring yourself or
      someone else
    • To comply with laws regarding the reporting of abuse or neglect of minors
    • For the purposes of confidential consultation

  • Definitions
  • Consent and Incapacitation 

    Consent is defined as informed, voluntary, and mutual and may be withdrawn at any time. Consent is not obtained with an express or implied force, coercion, intimidation, threat, or duress. Consent to a sexual act must be expressed, and be fully informed and a freely decided choice to participate in sexual contact or intercourse. Consent cannot be assumed or implied by silence or the absence of physical or verbal resistance. Consent is an affirmative, unambiguous, and conscious decision. Consent to one type of sex act does not imply consent to other forms and must be ongoing throughout a sexual encounter. Past consent to sexual activity does not imply ongoing future consent with a person or consent to the same activity with another person. If a person is mentally or physically incapacitated or impaired so that a person cannot understand the fact, nature, or extent of the sexual situation, there is no consent. This includes incapacitation by the use of alcohol and drug consumption or being asleep or unconscious. Generally, the age of consent in New Jersey is 16. Please refer to NJ State Law for full consent and statutory rape laws.

    The following actions render consent null:
    • Coercion: Coercion is the use of pressure to compel another individual to initiate or continue sexual activity against their will. Coercion can include a wide range of behaviors, including intimidation, manipulation, threats, and blackmail. A person’s words or conduct are sufficient to constitute coercion if they wrongfully impair another individual’s freedom of will and ability to choose whether to engage in sexual activity. Coercion renders an individual unable to consent.
    • Force is the use or threat of physical violence to overcome an individual’s freedom of will to choose whether to participate in sexual contact. Force renders an individual unable to consent.
    • Incapacitation: A person who is incapacitated is not capable of giving valid, affirmative consent. Incapacitation is a state where one cannot make a rational, reasonable decision because they lack the ability to understand the who, what, when, where, why, or how of the sexual activity. A person may be incapacitated as a result of a temporary or permanent mental or physical condition, sleep, or unconsciousness. A person may be incapacitated as a result of the consumption of alcohol or drugs. A person who is not incapacitated at the beginning of the sexual activity may eventually reach a state of incapacitation as the activity progresses due to alcohol or drug intake prior to or during the activity. Incapacitation is a state of impairment significant enough to render a person unable to understand the fact, nature, or extent of the sexual activity. For the purpose of this policy, the standard that shall be applied is whether or not a reasonable person would have known, based on the facts and circumstances presented, that the other person was incapacitated and, therefore, not capable of giving consent.

    Establishing Consent

    Remember that sex without consent is sexual assault. When establishing consent, be aware of the following:

    Ask for consent. Don’t assume a partner is OK with what you want to do. Always ask them. Be direct. If you are unsure that you have their consent, ask again.

    Communicate. Don’t be afraid to talk about sex and communicate your boundaries, wants, and needs. Encourage your partner to do the same.

    Make it fun. Consent does not have to be something that interrupts sex; it can be a part of sex. Checking in with your partner throughout sexual experiences can be a great way to build intimacy and understand your partner’s needs. It can help partners create a healthy and satisfying sex life.

    Drugs and/or alcohol increase risk. Intoxication impairs decision-making and can make it impossible to gain someone’s legal consent. Mixing drugs and/or alcohol with sex also can lead to risky behavior, such as unprotected sex.

    Dating and Domestic Violence

    Domestic/dating violence can be defined as a pattern of abusive behavior that is used by an intimate partner to gain or maintain power and control over the other intimate partner. It can be committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim. It can also be committed by one roommate over another. Domestic/dating violence can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person. This includes any behaviors that intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, isolate, frighten, terrorize, coerce, threaten, blame, hurt, injure, wound someone, or destroy someone’s property.

    Physical Abuse: Hitting, slapping, shoving, grabbing, pinching, biting, hair pulling, etc are types of physical abuse. This type of abuse also includes denying a partner/roommate medical care or forcing alcohol and/or drug use upon him or her.

    Sexual Abuse: Coercing or attempting to coerce any sexual contact or behavior without consent. Sexual abuse includes, but is certainly not limited to, marital rape, attacks on sexual parts of the body, forcing sex after physical violence has occurred, or treating one in a sexually demeaning manner (more about this in the Sexual Violence section).

    Emotional Abuse: Undermining an individual's sense of self-worth and/or self-esteem is abusive. This may include, but is not limited to constant criticism, diminishing one's abilities, name-calling, or damaging one's relationship with his or her children.

    Economic Abuse: Is defined as making or attempting to make an individual financially dependent by maintaining total control over financial resources, withholding one's access to money, or forbidding one's attendance at school or employment.

    Psychological Abuse: Elements of psychological abuse include - but are not limited to - causing fear by intimidation; threatening physical harm to self, partner, children, or partner's family or friends; destruction of pets and property; and forcing isolation from family, friends, or school and/or work.

    Sexual Violence

    Sexual violence takes many forms including attacks such as sexual assault or attempted sexual assault, as well as any unwanted sexual contact or threats. There are three categories of sexual violence: Sexual Assault, Sexual Contact or Lewdness.

    • Sexual assault occurs when one person penetrates the other by any means, whether vaginally, anally or orally without the consent of the other person
    • Sexual contact occurs when one person touches the intimate parts of another person's body, even through clothes, without that person's consent. That impermissible touching can be either for the perpetrator to obtain sexual gratification or to degrade or humiliate the other person or to obtain power and control over the other person.
    • Lewdness involves the perpetrator exposing his/her intimate parts without a person’s consent to obtain sexual gratification or to degrade or humiliate the other person or to obtain power and control over the other person.

    Sexual violence in any form is a devastating crime. Offenders commit sexual violence via force, threats, coercion, manipulation, pressure or tricks. A person is considered to be a sexual offender if they force, threaten, coerce, manipulate, pressure or trick anyone into committing any of the above listed acts on a third person. Whatever the circumstances, no one should be subjected to sexual violence.

    No matter who is involved, it is important to understand that sexual violence is not an act of sexual desire or a miscommunication about sexual desire but one of power, control, and entitlement.


    Stalking is a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for her/his safety or the safety of another person or to suffer other emotional distress. Course of conduct is defined as:

    • Repeatedly maintaining a visual or physical proximity to a person; directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device, or means, following, monitoring, observing, surveilling, threatening or communicating to or about, a person; OR
    • Interfering with a person’s property; repeatedly committing harassment against a person; OR Repeatedly conveying, or causing to be conveyed, verbal or written threats or threats conveyed by any other means of communication or threats implied by conduct or a combination thereof directed at or toward a person.
    • Repeatedly conveying, or causing to be conveyed, verbal or written threats or threats conveyed by any other means of communication or threats implied by conduct or combination thereof directed at or toward a person.

    Stalking includes any behaviors or activities occurring on at least two occasions that collectively instill fear in a victim, and/or threaten her/ his safety, physical health or cause other severe mental suffering or distress. Such behaviors and activities may include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Non-consensual communication, including face-to-face communication, telephone calls, voice messages, e-mails, text messages, written letters, gifts, or any other communications that are undesired and place another person in fear;
    • Use of online, electronic, or digital technologies, including: Posting of pictures or information in chat rooms or on Web sites; Sending unwanted/unsolicited email or talk requests; Posting private or public messages on Internet sites, social networking sites, and/or school bulletin boards; Installing spyware on a victim’s computer; Using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to monitor a victim;
    • Pursuing, following, waiting, or showing up uninvited at or near a residence, workplace, classroom, or other places frequented by the victim;
      • Surveillance or other types of observation including staring, “peeping”;
      • Trespassing;
      • Vandalism;
      • Non-consensual touching;
      • Direct verbal or physical threats;
      • Gathering information about an individual from friends, family, and/or co-workers;
      • Threats to harm self or others.

    If a person is repeatedly attempting to communicate with you by any means, in a threatening or harassing manner, you are encouraged to report it to University Police.

  • Online Resources for Survivors
  • Pandora’s Project: nonprofit organization dedicated to providing information, support, and resources to survivors of rape and sexual abuse and their friends and family.
    Daily Strength Online support groups for over 500 issues
    ASCA Adult survivors of child abuse
    After Silence Online support group, message board, and chat room for rape, sexual assault, and sexual abuse survivors
    Forge  For transgender survivors of violence
    1 in 6 For male survivors of childhood sexual abuse
    Love is Respect Empowering youth to end dating abuse
    One Love Founded in 2010 to honor Yeardley Love, One Love works to ensure everyone understands the difference between a healthy and unhealthy relationship.
    Male Survivor Online support for male survivors of sexual abuse

  • Reporting Sexual Violence
  • William Paterson University encourages survivors of sexual violence and dating/domestic violence to talk to someone about what happened – so survivors can get the support they need. Within WP, a survivor can speak with a knowledgeable employee and the University can respond appropriately. Different employees on campus have different abilities to maintain a survivor’s confidentiality.

    • Some are required to maintain near complete confidentiality; talking to them is sometimes called a “privileged communication.”
    • Other employees may talk to a survivor in confidence, and generally only report to the University that an incident occurred without revealing any personally identifying information. Disclosures to these employees will not trigger a University investigation into an incident against the survivor’s wishes.
    • Thirdly, some employees are required to report all the details of an incident (including the identities of both the survivor and alleged perpetrator) to the Title IX Coordinator. A report to these employees (called “responsible employees”) constitutes a report to the university – and generally obligates the university to investigate the incident and take appropriate steps to address the situation.

    The Options

    Confidential Disclosure and Resources

    • Professional Counselors
      Professional, licensed counselors who provide mental-health counseling to members of the school community (and including those who act in that role under the supervision of a licensed counselor) are not required to report any information about an incident to the Title IX Coordinator without a survivor’s permission. To speak to a professional counselor, please contact:
      Counseling, Health and Wellness Center
      Overlook South
      Between Matelson and White Hall
      Telephone: (973) 720-2257 or (973)720-2360

    • Confidential Advocates
      The Social Worker for Student Support & Resources can generally talk to a survivor without revealing any personally identifying information about an incident to the university. A survivor can seek assistance and support from these individuals without triggering a university investigation that could reveal the survivor’s identity or that the survivor has disclosed the incident. While maintaining a survivor’s confidentiality, this individual should report the nature, date, time, and general location of an incident to the Title IX Coordinator. This limited report – which includes no information that would directly or indirectly identify the survivor – helps keep the Title IX Coordinator informed of the general extent and nature of sexual violence on and off campus so the coordinator can track patterns, evaluate the scope of the problem, and formulate appropriate campus-wide responses. Before reporting any information to the Title IX Coordinator, this individual will consult with the survivor to ensure that no personally identifying details are shared with the Title IX Coordinator. To speak to a confidential advocate, please contact:

      Theresa A. Bivaletz, MSW, LSW
      Office of Student Development
      University Commons Student Center 117C
      Office: 973-720-2578
      Fax: 973-720-2077

      A survivor who speaks to a confidential resource must understand that, if the survivor wants to maintain confidentiality, the University will be unable to conduct an investigation into the particular incident or pursue disciplinary action against the alleged perpetrator. Even so, these counselors and advocates will still assist the survivor in receiving other necessary protection and support, such as victim advocacy, academic support or accommodations, disability, health or mental health services, and changes to living, working or course schedules. A survivor who at first requests confidentiality may later decide to file a complaint with the school or report the incident to local law enforcement, and thus have the incident fully investigated. These counselors and advocates will provide the survivor with assistance if the survivor wishes to do so.

      NOTE: If the University determines that the alleged perpetrator(s) pose a serious and immediate threat to the campus community, the Department of Public Safety may be called upon to issue a timely warning to the community. Any such warning should not include any information that identifies the survivor.

    Non-Confidential Resources

    A “responsible employee” is a university employee who has the duty to report incidents of sexual violence or other student misconduct, or who a student could reasonably believe has this authority or duty.
    When a survivor tells a responsible employee about an incident of sexual violence, the survivor has the right to expect the University to take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate what happened and to resolve the matter promptly and equitably.

    A responsible employee must report to the Title IX Coordinator all relevant details about the alleged sexual violence shared by the survivor and that the University will need to determine what happened – including the names of the survivor and alleged perpetrator(s), any witnesses, and any other relevant facts, including the date, time and specific location of the alleged incident.

    To the extent possible, information reported to a responsible employee will be shared only with people responsible for handling the University’s response to the report. A responsible employee should not share information with law enforcement without the survivor’s consent or unless the survivor has also reported the incident to law enforcement.

    All William Paterson University employees (faculty, administrators, and staff) are considered Responsible Employees EXCEPT:

     Counseling, Health, and Wellness staff,
     Social Worker for Student Support & Resources,
     Physical Plant Operations (“PPO”) non-management staff.

    University Title IX Coordinators at William Paterson University

    The University Title IX Coordinators are responsible for ensuring the University's compliance with Title IX and overseeing and/or investigating complaints of sexual violence, dating/domestic violence, stalking, harassment, discrimination, and other sex-based complaints involving students and University employees and alleged to have taken place on campus or at a University-sponsored event. For more information please visit: 

    For all complaints:
    Contact: Sobia Mahmood, J.D.
    Director of Institutional Equity and Compliance/Title IX Coordinator
    College Hall, Room 120
    Phone: 973-720-2851

    How to File a Criminal Complaint
    If a student reports sexual violence and/or dating violence to the William Paterson University Police Department, the police will conduct an investigation and assist the survivor in filing criminal charges against the alleged perpetrator. If the incident occurred off campus, the University Police can assist the survivor in informing the appropriate municipal police department. University Police can also facilitate the request of a protective restraining order for domestic/dating violence and sexual assault. If you wish to report an incident of sexual violence or domestic/dating violence, please contact the University Police at the number below, or go directly to the Campus Police station located on the campus of WPU.
    William Paterson University Police Department
    Emergencies: 911
    Non-Emergencies: 973-720-2300

  • Safety Planning
  • According to Jill Davies, a safety plan is an individualized plan that victims/survivors develop to reduce the risks they face. These plans include strategies to reduce the risk of physical violence and other harm caused by a perpetrator and also include strategies to maintain basic human needs such as income, housing, health care, food, child care, and education.

    Please see the following documents to assist you with safety planning. Working with a trained advocate such as the Campus Victim Advocate will help you to develop a comprehensive safety plan.

    Safety Planning

    A College Student's Guide to Safety Planning

  • Tips for Friends and Family of Survivors
  • Tips for Families and Friends of Survivors

    Many survivors of sexual and dating violence say that what helped them most was the unconditional support of a friend. You don't need to understand what they're going through to be helpful. Even if you don’t know what else to do, saying “I’m sorry this happened to you, you didn't do anything wrong,” can be extremely validating for a survivor to hear. Providing emotional support can go a long way. Unless you have an immediate concern about the health of your friend, understand that they have to make their own decisions. It's not helpful to push someone towards making a choice they’re not ready for and it can be dangerous for victims of dating violence. Sexual assault and dating abuse are about someone else taking control of one's life and body. Recovery depends on getting that control back.

    Helping a friend experiencing dating/domestic abuse


    • Be there for your friend; listen without giving specific advice.
    • Encourage your friend to get help.
    • Acknowledge your friend’s feelings, and recognize that it’s possible to think you love someone even if they hurt you.
    • Allow friends to make their own decisions.
    • Spend time with your friend.
    • Talk to someone about the best way to help out.

    You can call the Social Worker for Student Support and Resources 973-720-2578

    Do Not:

    • Do not pressure your friend to break up.
    • Do not make blaming statements like, “You’re stupid for staying.”
    • Do not tell your friend they cannot love someone who is abusive.
    • Do not place conditions on support, such as “I’ll only be your friend if you end it.”
    • Do not tell your friend how they should be feeling.

    Helping a friend who has been sexually assaulted:

    • Always believe the survivor.
    • Do not blame the survivor. Tell them “It’s not your fault.”
    • Listen. Don’t push them to talk.
    • Accept their reactions, whatever they may be.
    • Re-empower the survivor by offering options.
    • Don’t make decisions for them.
    • Educate yourself.
    • Refer them to services on your campus or in the community.

    Self-care for the secondary survivor

    Because you care for the victim of this crime, it affects you as well. The feelings you have are completely normal and very real – find the help you need to both take care of yourself and be supportive of your loved one.

    As much as possible, continue with your life and routine as usual. This may seem very difficult to do, but it allows both you and the survivor to broaden the perspective beyond this experience.

    Do not isolate yourself or the survivor from friends who are aware of the sexual assault or abusive relationship. Your true friends will be supportive and understanding.

    Know that there is no set period of time for your own recovery. It is an individual process that cannot be predetermined. 

  • Informational Brochures
  • Healthy Relationships ImagePrevention SA Image

Additional Campus & Community Resources

  • NJ Public Assistance
  • NJHelps 

    This site will help to see if you are eligible for food assistance (SNAP), cash assistance (WFNJ/TANF or WFNJ/GA), and health Insurance (NJ FamilyCare/Medicaid). From there you can apply for services or learn about additional resources. 

  • Emergency Funds for Students
  • Student Emergency Support Fund

    The Student Emergency Support Fund is made possible by the generosity of donors to the William Paterson University Foundation. The fund provides awards for students who are experiencing an unanticipated and/or temporary hardship resulting from an emergency and/or crisis situation. The amount of each emergency financial assistance grant awarded will vary based on circumstance and need, with the maximum award not to exceed $500. The number of students who will receive grants is subject to the availability of funds. Approved grants do not need to be repaid. Students may not receive more than one Student Emergency Support Fund grant per academic year. When requested, receipts and/or documentation must be provided within 2 business days.

    Please note: Student Emergency Support Fund grants cannot be used to help pay tuition.

    Student Emergency Housing Grant

    Emergency Housing Grants are available to students who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, while funding is available. These grants do not cover the full cost of room & board, but can be combined with other financial aid available to the student. Homelessness means that a person has no permanent place to live, often residing in a shelter, in an automobile, in an abandoned building, or on the street. 

    Please contact the Social Worker to be connected with these emergency support programs. 

  • Food
  • Please contact the Social Worker for assistance with any of the below resources. She can help connect you with resources for food, and additional assistance with SNAP questions and application. 

    According to The Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice, food insecurity is the limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe food, or the ability to acquire such food in a socially acceptable manner. The most extreme form is often accompanied by physiological sensations of hunger. The 2020 #RealCollege Survey assessed food security using the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) 18-item set of questions.

    If you are having a tough time paying for the food you need, there is help available! 

    Pioneer Pantry 

    The Pioneer Pantry is a resource for all currently enrolled William Paterson students. We understand it is important to ensure that all students have access to nutritional and basic necessities. In the Pioneer Pantry, students will be able to select from a menu of items inclusive of proteins, grains, vegetables, toiletries, and more. The pantry is a collaboration between the Student Government Association (SGA), Campus Activities, Service and Leadership (CASL), and the division of Student Development. 

    Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) 

    New Jersey’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, NJ SNAP, provides food assistance to families and individuals with low incomes to help them buy groceries through a benefits card accepted in most food retail stores and some farmers markets. Eligibility is set by several factors, such as income and resources.  You can use SNAP benefits to stretch your food budget and buy nutritious foods that can keep you and your family healthy. 

    SNAP is accepted at these local businesses: 

    • CVS - 1762 Ratzer Rd, Wayne, NJ 07470
    • Walgreens - 447 Belmont Ave, Haledon, NJ 07508
    • QuickChek - 442 Pompton Rd, Wayne, NJ 07470
    • Super Supermarket - 408 Haledon Ave, Haledon, NJ 07508
    • Trader Joe's - 910 Hamburg Tpke, Wayne, NJ 07470
    • ShopRite of Wayne - 30 Wayne Hills Mall, Wayne, NJ 07470
    • Stop & Shop - 1220 Hamburg Tpke, Wayne, NJ 07470
    • Aldi - 625 Hamburg Tpke, Wayne, NJ 07470

    Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) 

    The New Jersey Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women Infants and Children is commonly known as WIC. WIC is a successful public health nutrition program that provides wholesome food, nutrition education and community support for income eligible women who are pregnant and post-partum, infants and children up to five years old. 

    USDA National Hunger Hotline 

    Find free food near you by calling the USDA National Hunger Hotline at 866-3-HUNGRY (866-348-6479) or 877-8-HAMBRE

    Additional Local Food Pantries

    • Catholic Charities, 777 Valley Rd., Clifton, 973-737-2077 
    • Center for Food Action, 145 Carletondale Rd., Ringwood, 201-569-1804 
    • CUMAC, 223 Ellison Rd., Paterson, 973-742-5518 
    • Father English Community Center, 435 Main St., Paterson, 973-279-7100 
    • Oasis: A Haven for Women & Children, 59 Mill St., Paterson, 973-881-8307 
    • St. Peter’s Haven, 380 Clifton Ave., Clifton, 973-546-3406 
    • SMILE Food Pantry, 39 Hoover Ave., Passaic, 973-440-9360 
    • Star of Hope Ministries, 34 Broadway, Paterson, 973-742-1222 
    • St. Joseph’s Church, 454 Germantown Rd., West Milford, 973-697-6100 
    • St. Mary’s Church, 31 Pompton Ave., Pompton Lakes, 973-835-0374 
    • St. Paul’s Community Development Corporation, 456 Van Houten St., Paterson, 973-710-3900 
    • Trinity Assembly of God Feed the Need, 160 Passaic Ave., Passaic, 973-779-6047 
    • Wayne Center for Family Resources, 45 Reinhardt Rd., Wayne, 973-389-0011 
    • West Milford Presbyterian Church, 1452 Union Valley Rd., West Milford, 973-728-3081 

    Bus Transportation to Local Grocery Stores - NJ Transit 

    • ShopRite of Wayne - Board Bus 744 toward Wayne Preakness Shopping Center at the Main Campus bus stop (Lot 5), arrive at Wayne Hills Mall at ShopRite Bus Stop - Zone 2 Bus Fare $2.90
    • Trader Joe's Wayne - Board Bus 744 toward Wayne Preakness Shopping Center at the Main Campus bus stop (Lot 5), arrive at Hamburg Turnpike at Valley Rd - Zone 1 Bus Fare $1.80
    • Stop & Shop Wayne - Board Bus 744 toward Wayne Preakness Shopping Center at the Main Campus bus stop (Lot 5), arrive at Preakness Shopping Center - Zone 2 Bus Fare $2.90
    • Super Supermarket Haledon - Board Bus 744 toward Passaic Bus Terminal at the Main Campus bus stop (Lot 5), arrive at Haledon Ave at Zabriskie St - Zone 1 Bus Fare $1.80

  • Health & Wellness
  • The mission of the Health and Wellness component of the Counseling, Health and Wellness Center is to provide a welcoming environment for William Paterson University students. The Health and Wellness Center staff members provide care for students who are ill or injured. Through health-related counseling and education, we support students' efforts to maintain their physical and emotional well-being and make informed decisions that promote personal wellness and effect life-long health.

    The Health and Wellness office is staffed by advanced practice nurses (nationally certified nurse practitioners), registered nurses, medical assistants and a physician consultant.

    WP Health Services 

  • Housing
  • Residence Life at William Paterson 

    This website provides important information about living on campus and residence hall policies. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Residence Life at 973-720-2714 or

    New Jersey Housing Resource Center 

    The NJHRC is a FREE, online searchable registry of affordable and accessible housing units throughout the State of New Jersey, including: 
    Affordable Rental Housing 
    Affordable For-Sale Housing 
    Housing with Accessibility Features 

    Adolescent Housing Hub 

    The Adolescent Housing Hub (AHH or the Hub) is a real-time database designed to assist youth with placement in a transitional or permanent housing program. The AHH program is managed by the Office of Adolescent Services under the Department of Children and Families. AHH services are available to eligible homeless youth, youth at risk for homelessness, and youth aging out of the child welfare system, ages 18 – 21 years. Youth may contact PerformCare at 1-877-652-7624 24 hours a day to find out about housing and supports available to help. 

    Covenant House

    Covenant House provides housing and supportive services to youth facing homelessness.


    Assistance with finding social services in your area (shelters, food, utility assistance, etc). Call 2-1-1 or search on the website.

  • Legal
  • Northeast NJ Legal Services 

    Northeast New Jersey Legal Services (NNJLS) serves the counties of Bergen, Hudson and Passaic, the most culturally and economically diverse area of the State. With offices in Hackensack, Paterson and Jersey City, NNJLS is centrally located and offers comprehensive legal representation to low-income, senior and disabled residents who have civil legal problems and cannot afford a private attorney. 

    Legal Services of New Jersey

    Legal Services in New Jersey embraces the vision of full access to essential civil legal aid for all economically disadvantaged people who cannot secure a lawyer on their own. This belief in the importance of legal assistance to indigent people stems from an underlying concern with fairness, and a conviction that important legal needs of individuals should be addressed.

  • As a part of William Paterson's commitment to promote a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment for all genders and sexual identities, the Center for Diversity and Inclusion works to validate the experiences and serve the needs of the LGBTQ community. To read more, please visit this webpage: 

    LGBTQIA+ Experience at WP 

  • Mental Health
  • WP Counseling Services 

    The Counseling Center staff facilitate students' personal, social, and intellectual growth, as well as adjustment to and engagement within the university community. Students are assisted with identifying and working through personal barriers, normal developmental issues and stressors, and clinical problems which could impede academic success.

    The Counseling Center is staffed with psychologists, social workers, licensed counselors, and supervised graduate students.

    Mental Health Association of Passaic County 

    The mission of the MHAPC is to serve children, adults and families affected by mental illness through support services, education, and advocacy. We are dedicated to increasing public awareness and understanding of mental health issues and enhancing mental health services in Passaic County. 

    2nd Floor Youth Helpline 

    2NDFLOOR is a confidential and anonymous helpline for New Jersey's youth and young adults. We are here to help you find solutions to the problems that you face and we are available 24/7 365 days a year. 

    • Call or text 888-222-2228 

    NJ Suicide Prevention Hopeline

    • 1-855-654-6735

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 

    • 1-800-273-8255 

  • Parenting & Childcare Support
  • 4Cs of Passaic County

    A 501 (c) 3 nonprofit, child care resource and referral organization that administers one of the largest child care financial assistance program in the State of New Jersey. 

    WP Child Development Center

    The William Paterson University Child Development Center serves children ages 2.5 through kindergarten. They recognize that young children learn through active hands-on involvement and that learning is an ongoing process. The teaching staff individualizes the program to encompass the individual developmental levels of children and recognizes that there are differences in children's learning styles. Please contact the Child Development Center for pricing and more information! 

    Student-parents may qualify for free to low cost childcare through the Child Care Access Means Parents in School Program (CCAMPIS). This program ensures that Pell eligible student-parents have greater access to higher education success through free to low cost childcare. For more information and to apply: CCAMPIS

      Oasis, A Haven for Women & Children

      A nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization located in Paterson, New Jersey. They carry out educational and social service programs that help women enter and succeed in the workforce and help children flourish academically. Oasis also operates a soup kitchen and provides emergency food, clothing, and social support to city residents in need.   

      Campus Lactation Rooms

      William Paterson University offers designated lactation rooms on campus to all William Paterson University students, faculty, staff and visitors who need a private place to express milk.

      Lactation Room Locations

      • Hunziker Hall, Room 300
      • Student Center, Room 305
      • Valley Road, Room 1014

      Each lactation room is equipped with a comfortable chair, small table, electrical outlet, and a sink with running water. Refrigeration/storage is not provided, and in all locations, nursing individuals will need to provide their own pump. All rooms are locked for privacy and require scheduling.

      Please complete THIS FORM to schedule and gain card access or key to the Lactation Room of your choice. 

      Questions? Contact Theresa Bivaletz, 

    • Transportation
    • Traveling via public transportation to and from campus? Looking for WP Shuttle information?

      Check out this page on Commuter resources! 

      And find out how you can save 25% on NJ Transit Monthly passes. 

      Commuter Resources

    • Utility Assistance
    • Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP)

      The Home Energy Assistance Program helps very low-income residents with their heating and cooling bills, and makes provisions for emergency heating system services and emergency fuel assistance within the Home Energy Assistance Program.

      Division of Housing and Community Resources Screening Tool

      Check to see what benefits you may qualify for. Screening takes about 1-2 minutes to complete, and you will need to provide income information for other programs. 

    If you are in need of
    24-hour services,
    please contact:

    The WPU Counseling, Health, and Wellness Center 

    Passaic County Domestic & Sexual Violence Services 

    New Jersey Domestic Violence Hotline 

    New Jersey Sexual Assault Hotline 

    NJ Suicide Prevention Hopeline

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 

    Dial 2-1-1
    Text your Zip Code to 898-211