Generative AI

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artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation human intelligence in machines or computers that are programmed to undertake tasks usually thought to require human cognitive processes and decision-making capabilities. Generative artificial intelligence is a subset of AI that utilizes machine learning models to create new, original content, such as images, text, or music, based on patterns and structures learned from existing data. A prominent model type used by generative AI is the large language model (LLM). ChatGPT, is a type of generative AI system that can produce natural language texts based on a given input, such as a prompt, a keyword, or a query.

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  • Generative AI Basics

    How does Generative AI work?

    Banning AI tools should not be an option, as it would not be effective, and it could infringe on academic freedom. Nevertheless, we can do many things. Here are a few examples:

    1. WPU should establish a task force to look at this issue and have university-wide discussions on how we should address the concerns created by these AI tools and how to adapt to the new technology.
    2. We might need new guidance on the appropriate use of AI assistance for course assignments.
    3. AI literacy. Both faculty and students need to understand the capabilities and limitations of AI tools, as well as the potential consequences of using them. Help faculty familiarize themselves with popular AI tools such as ChatGPT (and language models) to explore how to use these tools to enhance teaching methods as well as the implications of these tools.
    4. Adopt AI tools, harness their potential, and redesign teaching and learning.
    5. Take preventive measures in the current academic semester to minimize academic integrity concerns and avert the risks of the new AI tools.

    • Reiterate the honor code and academic integrity and invite students into the conversation. Openly discuss the ethical implications of using ChatGPT and other AI apps with them.
    • Develop and deploy AI writing protocols ethically and strategically within our curricula.
    • Update the syllabus. Update the statements about academic integrity and plagiarism to include ChatGPT and other AI systems.
    • Establish clear rules and expectations about the use of AI tools. Faculty should be clear in their syllabi about their policies for using ChatGPT. For example, do not allow students to use AI tools when taking quizzes, tests, and exams, and require students to appropriately acknowledge (e.g. cite AI outputs and treat them as content developed by a third party, offer rules of citation) when they do use ChatGPT in other course assignments.
    • Using proctored exam tools such as Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor.
    • Crafting questions and designs that cannot be plagiarized by chatbots or chatbots would have difficulties to handle, such as students’ own lives and current events.
    • Encourage students’ personal reflection and connect with students’ own experiences in their assignments and discussions.
    • Giving less take-home, open-book assignments, which now seem vulnerable to chatbots. Opt for in-class assignments, handwritten papers, group work, and oral exams.
    • Redesign courses, making changes such as more oral exams, group work, and handwritten assessment.
    • Focusing on process rather than product. Scaffolding learning and allowing students to explain their thinking and make learning visible along the way are strategies that may help you confirm student originality.
    • Use AI generated text detection software, as detailed below.

    Currently, several detection tools are available and can be used by faculty to identify AI-generated texts.

    • GPT-2 Output Detector
      The online demo of the GPT-2 output detector model lets you paste texts into a box and immediately see the likelihood that the text was written by AI. According to research from OpenAI, the tool has a relatively high detection rate, but “needs to be paired with metadata-based approaches, human judgment, and public education to be more effective.”
    • GLTR (giant language model test room)
      The GLTR demo enables forensic inspection of the visual footprint of a language model on input text to detect whether a text could be real or fake. It is a collaborative effort by the MIT-IBM Watson AI lab and Harvard NLP.
    • GPTZero
      Developed by Edward Tian, a Princeton University student, GPTZero measures randomness in sentences (“perplexity”) plus overall randomness (“burstiness”) to calculate the probability that the text was written by ChatGPT.
    • Watermarking (coming soon)
      The ChatGPT developer OpenAI is trying to address the problem by watermarking all ChatGPT text. “Basically, whenever GPT generates some long text, we want there to be an otherwise unnoticeable secret signal in its choices of words, which you can use to prove later that, yes, this came from GPT” (OpenAI guest researcher Scott Aaronson).
    • How about SafeAssign?
      SafeAssign checks the papers against a database of previously submitted papers, the internet, journals, and other sources to detect plagiarism. But AI-generated text is essentially unique as AI create sentences based on a statistical analysis of words in the database they are using to generate new sentences with. Hence, SafeAssign cannot detect AI-generated text unless a more sophisticated algorithm is used that is specifically designed to identify patterns and characteristics of text generated by language models.


    While AI tools pose serious challenges to how we teach and how students learn, they also offer us opportunities and the potential to reimagine teaching to facilitate student learning and achieve our intended outcomes better. But this short document is focused what we need do now. I will write a more detailed report later on this part. Generally speaking, WPU could use AI tools to improve the education experience for its students and faculty in many potential ways, for example: 1) Personalized learning, 2) Grading and feedback, 3) Tutoring and support, 4) Student advisement, 5) Research, 6) Administration and management (students recruitment, registration, etc.) We should encourage faculty to conduct productive experimentation and explore pedagogical possibilities. The university might also need to establish a task force and university-wide discussion on how to take advantage of AI tools to enhance teaching and promote learning.

  • Genrative AI Tools for Faculty
  • Prompt Engeering

    Prompt engineering involves crafting specific instructions or questions to guide a computer program in generating desired content effectively. Within the world of generative artificial intelligence (AI), prompt engineering allows users to leverage AI models -often referred to as language models (LMs) and the natural language processing (NLP, or the instructions that allow computers to interact with humans) capabilities of those models to generate customized content that is designed according to the specifics of the prompt.

    A prompt can contain any of the following elements:

    • Task: A summary of what you want the prompt to do. Usually starts with an action verb such as, Create, Summaraize, Explore, Analyze, Write, Recommend, Argue, Explain, etc.
    • Format: The type or format of the response/output, such as Opinion, Outline, Blogpost, Spreadsheet, Press release, Leagal brief, etc.
    • Voice: Setting a specific role for a given prompt increases the likelihood of more accurate information, including like a HR director, using martketing language, in style of previous press release, respond as you are king from 17th, etc.
    • Context: Additional information or context that guides the model towards producing better outputs/responses, something like, serious, funnny, for UG students, etc.

    • The Perfect Prompt: A Prompt Engineering Cheat Sheet This comprehensive cheat sheet, created by Maximilian Vogel and published in The Generator, serves as a quick-reference guide for various aspects of prompt engineering. It is designed to be a detailed resource for both beginners and seasoned users.
    • OpenAI’s Prompt Engineering Guide This guide provides comprehensive documentation on prompt engineering, covering various techniques and best practices for crafting effective prompts. It is an excellent starting point for anyone looking to understand the fundamentals of prompt engineering.
    • GitHub’s General Guidelines for AI Prompts The repository "awesome-gpt-prompt-engineering" on GitHub is a curated list of resources and examples for prompt engineering, providing a community-driven approach to learning.
    • Top Tools for Prompt Engineering 2024: Unlock Creativity! Introduces top prompt engineering tools represent various applications, from marketplaces and models to development frameworks and optimization platforms.
    • Prompt Library from Anthropic Anthropic's Prompt Library is a valuable resource for obtaining task-specific, optimized prompts. It is particularly useful for those looking to apply prompt engineering techniques to specific use cases.

  • Genreative AI in Teaching


    The immediate challenge facing faculty is the fear of cheating on student assignments, tests, and exams. In fact, the ChatGPT-generated answers to assignments, tests, and exams were already used to cheat by some WPU students in the fall of 2022. This undermines academic integrity and makes it difficult for faculty to assess student understanding and progress. In the Spring 2022 semester and beyond, we can expect much more such instances. WPU needs to act and adjust to protect academic integrity quickly.

    Banning AI tools should not be an option, as it would not be effective, and it could infringe on academic freedom. Nevertheless, we can do many things. Here are a few examples:

    1. WPU should establish a task force to look at this issue and have university-wide discussions on how we should address the concerns created by these AI tools and how to adapt to the new technology.
    2. We might need new guidance on the appropriate use of AI assistance for course assignments.
    3. AI literacy. Both faculty and students need to understand the capabilities and limitations of AI tools, as well as the potential consequences of using them. Help faculty familiarize themselves with popular AI tools such as ChatGPT (and language models) to explore how to use these tools to enhance teaching methods as well as the implications of these tools.
    4. Adopt AI tools, harness their potential, and redesign teaching and learning.
    5. Take preventive measures in the current academic semester to minimize academic integrity concerns and avert the risks of the new AI tools.

    • Reiterate the honor code and academic integrity and invite students into the conversation. Openly discuss the ethical implications of using ChatGPT and other AI apps with them.
    • Develop and deploy AI writing protocols ethically and strategically within our curricula.
    • Update the syllabus. Update the statements about academic integrity and plagiarism to include ChatGPT and other AI systems.
    • Establish clear rules and expectations about the use of AI tools. Faculty should be clear in their syllabi about their policies for using ChatGPT. For example, do not allow students to use AI tools when taking quizzes, tests, and exams, and require students to appropriately acknowledge (e.g. cite AI outputs and treat them as content developed by a third party, offer rules of citation) when they do use ChatGPT in other course assignments.
    • Using proctored exam tools such as Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor.
    • Crafting questions and designs that cannot be plagiarized by chatbots or chatbots would have difficulties to handle, such as students’ own lives and current events.
    • Encourage students’ personal reflection and connect with students’ own experiences in their assignments and discussions.
    • Giving less take-home, open-book assignments, which now seem vulnerable to chatbots. Opt for in-class assignments, handwritten papers, group work, and oral exams.
    • Redesign courses, making changes such as more oral exams, group work, and handwritten assessment.
    • Focusing on process rather than product. Scaffolding learning and allowing students to explain their thinking and make learning visible along the way are strategies that may help you confirm student originality.
    • Use AI generated text detection software, as detailed below.

    Currently, several detection tools are available and can be used by faculty to identify AI-generated texts.

    • GPT-2 Output Detector
      The online demo of the GPT-2 output detector model lets you paste texts into a box and immediately see the likelihood that the text was written by AI. According to research from OpenAI, the tool has a relatively high detection rate, but “needs to be paired with metadata-based approaches, human judgment, and public education to be more effective.”
    • GLTR (giant language model test room)
      The GLTR demo enables forensic inspection of the visual footprint of a language model on input text to detect whether a text could be real or fake. It is a collaborative effort by the MIT-IBM Watson AI lab and Harvard NLP.
    • GPTZero
      Developed by Edward Tian, a Princeton University student, GPTZero measures randomness in sentences (“perplexity”) plus overall randomness (“burstiness”) to calculate the probability that the text was written by ChatGPT.
    • Watermarking (coming soon)
      The ChatGPT developer OpenAI is trying to address the problem by watermarking all ChatGPT text. “Basically, whenever GPT generates some long text, we want there to be an otherwise unnoticeable secret signal in its choices of words, which you can use to prove later that, yes, this came from GPT” (OpenAI guest researcher Scott Aaronson).
    • How about SafeAssign?
      SafeAssign checks the papers against a database of previously submitted papers, the internet, journals, and other sources to detect plagiarism. But AI-generated text is essentially unique as AI create sentences based on a statistical analysis of words in the database they are using to generate new sentences with. Hence, SafeAssign cannot detect AI-generated text unless a more sophisticated algorithm is used that is specifically designed to identify patterns and characteristics of text generated by language models.


    While AI tools pose serious challenges to how we teach and how students learn, they also offer us opportunities and the potential to reimagine teaching to facilitate student learning and achieve our intended outcomes better. But this short document is focused what we need do now. I will write a more detailed report later on this part. Generally speaking, WPU could use AI tools to improve the education experience for its students and faculty in many potential ways, for example: 1) Personalized learning, 2) Grading and feedback, 3) Tutoring and support, 4) Student advisement, 5) Research, 6) Administration and management (students recruitment, registration, etc.) We should encourage faculty to conduct productive experimentation and explore pedagogical possibilities. The university might also need to establish a task force and university-wide discussion on how to take advantage of AI tools to enhance teaching and promote learning.

  • Generative AI Guideline

    Coming soon

  • Generative AI Webinars and Workshops

    Generative AI Training Opportunities

    CTT team can assist you on adopting these feature on your teaching area. Please use one of the followig options to get connected.

    Webinars Workshops Consultations Walk-in

  • Generative AI Resources

    Recordings on the Genrative AI Sessions

    AI Assistant in Blackboard Genreative AI Tools and Prompt Engineering Generative AI and Academic Integrity

    Coming soon.