Teaching Online

Blackboard Ultra: What's New?
  • Teaching Online

    Online learning is not simply adding materials and content in the learning management system or giving lectures in synchronous meetings. In fact, this approach simply tries to replicate the face-to-face model of teaching and learning and it does not lead to any changes or educational benefits within an online context. Instead, innovative learning should rely on effective pedagogies to be more productive and enjoyable to all learners. Here are some digital pedagogies to consider as you plan to teach online.

  • Online Teaching Toolkit (Self-enroll Blackboard Course)

    This workshop is designed to help and guide you through essential steps for delivering high quality online experiences for teaching and learning. Whether new to online teaching or a veteran of online instruction, this course has something for everyone.

    Self-enroll to the Online Teaching Toolkit
  • Online Pedagogy Institute (5 Day workshop)

    This workshop is for the first-time online instructors. The goal of the Online Pedagogy Institute is to provide a two-week participatory workshop covering online pedagogy and educational strategies for those who will be teaching online for the first time. By participating in the Online Pedagogy, faculty will actively exchange and apply information and ideas concerning online course delivery and pedagogy. The result will be a better designed and more effective online course – one that is more enjoyable for both you and your students.


  • Best PracticesTeaching Online

    By Andrew Salcido and Jessica Cole

    One of the most common questions an Instructional Designer is faced with is, “How can I enhance the student experience in my online course?” Often times, instructors wish to replicate the activities they do in face-to-face courses in the online environment but are not sure where to begin. One recommendation is to consult an instructional designer.

    We also strongly encourage instructors to participate in the Master Class for Teaching Online, an online workshop designed to facilitate peer sharing of strategies for teaching online. The workshop is facilitated by a team of instructional designers and touches on several best practices. The graphic presented here lists seven best practices for teaching online. Incorporating these best practices will help ensure that you and your students stay engaged and have a positive experience.


  • Resources