Vendor On-Boarding Documentation Requirements The following documents must be provided in order for a business entity or an individual to be established as a vendor for William Paterson University. W-9 and Related Documents A completed and signed IRS W-9 for domestic businesses or individuals: IRS_W9_RevOct2018.pdf. A completed and signed IRS W-8BEN-E for non-US entities (businesses): IRS_W8BEN-E_RevJuly2017.pdf. A completed and signed IRS W-8BEN for non-US individuals: IRS_W8BEN_RevJuly2017.pdf E-mail all of the above completed forms to Tax Compliance for non-US vendors Non-US entities (businesses) and individuals will be contacted by the University's Business Services Department and advised to complete an on-line questionnaire to determine if taxes must be withheld from payment. Please see the following link for additional information: Supplier Information Form and ACH Payment Form New vendors must complete the Supplier Profile Form: SupplierProfileForm_020619.docx Vendors may elect to receive payments made via ACH by completing the ACH Payment Form: Contact Accounts Payable Other Forms Required From Vendors William Paterson University is part of the State of New Jersey's higher education system and is required to follow State of New Jersey procurement and contracting requirements. These requirements are applicable for certain bidding activity, for certain contracts, and at different dollar values. The Purchasing Department will advise the vendor of the specific documentation to provide. Business Registration Certification (BRC) Businesses, organizations or individuals doing business in New Jersey are required to register with the Department of Treasury, Division of Revenue. University vendors are required to provide a copy of the BRC to the Purchasing Department when cumulative annual expenditures reach 15% of the public advertised bidding threshold. Purchase order distribution and/or payment may be delayed until this requirement is satisfied. Please see the following link for more details: Mandatory Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action (N.J.S.A 10:5-31 et seq. (P.L. 1975, c.127) and N.J.A.C. 17:27 et seq.) University vendors must complete the following certification: EEO_ExhibitA Form.pdf , EEO_ EmployeeInfoReportAA302t.pdf Purchase order distribution and or payment may be delayed until this requirement is satisfied. Political Contribution Disclosure (P.L. 2005 c. 51) State Agencies are not permitted to award contracts of $17,500 or more to businesses or individuals who have contributed to certain political entities in the State of New Jersey. Prior to contract award of $17,500 or more or when cumulative annual spend reaches $17,500, the business or individual must provide the Purchasing Department with a completed political contributions disclosure. The Purchasing Department will forward this disclosure to the Department of Treasury Chapter 51 Review Unit for review and approval. Purchase order distribution and/or payment may be delayed until this requirement is satisfied. Please see the following link for the form: Chapter 51-EO 333Form.pdf On Page 3 of the PL 2005 Chapter 51 form it is suggested that Box A be checked. Please attached a list of all OFFICERS of the corporation if space on the form is inadequate. Insurance Certificate Vendors doing business with the University must provide the Purchasing Department with proof of contract liability insurance covering the term of the contract and for the specific liability coverage identified in the request for proposal or the standard University terms and conditions. Prevailing Wage and Certified Payroll (P.L. 1963 c.10 and N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.58) Vendors doing "public work" of $2,000 or more for the University are required to comply with the New Jersey Prevailing Wage Act or if applicable the New Jersey State Building Services Act. Please see the following for more information: Susan B. Allen Equal Pay Act (N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.14) Vendors performing services or "public work" for the University must provide pay rate reports to the State of New Jersey. Please see the following documents for additional information. EqualPayAct_Summary.pdf, EqualPayAct_Instructions.pdf, Equal Pay Act Form for Services: mw563(6-18)annualequalpay.pdf Equal Pay Act Form for Public Work Certified Payroll: MW-562 PayrollCertPublicWorkProjects.pdf Terms and Conditions Terms and conditions of doing business with William Paterson University will be attached to request for proposals or provided with purchase orders.