WebCheckout How To

Patron Portal


Logging into the Patron Portal

1. Begin by logging in using a username and password.

    1. a. You will be brought to your homepage

2.  The “Message of the Day” will automatically pop up, giving you useful information regarding the Patron Portal. Select “Close” to close the message.


    You can re-open the message by clicking on the menu icon on the top left corner and in the pull-down bar, select “Message of the Day.”

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    Navigating the Homepage

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    1. The home page includes categories of equipment, your frequently reserved items, and items that you have bookmarked to reserve at a later time.


    2. Go to the menu icon and select “My Account” to see all previous, current, and saved bookings

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    3. You can edit and cancel bookings from this page by choosing a current booking and selecting “Edit Reservation” or “Cancel Reservation”


    4. You can re-order a reservation by going to your historical bookings and selecting “Copy Checkout”


    5. To view your upcoming bookings in your personal calendar service, go to the menu icon and select “Calendar URL.” Copy and paste the link provided into your online calendar.

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    How to Submit a Reservation

    1. To begin a new reservation, select your wanted item from the categories and add them to your cart. You can also use the search menu by clicking on the hourglass icon and either type in the item you wish to check out or selecting it from pulldown bars. 

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      a. Item categories may be divided into subtypes, such as DSLR cameras or lenses. 

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      2. Click on the clock icon located next to the name of the item to check availability of the item

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      3. Click on the bookmark icon on the upper left corner of the selected item window to save the item to your home page for future reservations.

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      4. When selecting an item, there will be a choice of either “Reserve one of this Type,” which adds everything included with the selected item to your cart, or “Specific Items,” which allows you to add individual items from that type into your cart.

      a. An example is if you want to take out a PMW 200 but do not care specifically which kit you get, you can choose “Reserve one of this Type”.  If you would like to reserve a specific PMW kit you would choose the “Specific Items” option and choose which kit you wanted to reserve.  

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      5. When resources are added to your cart, you can “Create Reservation,” “Save for Later,” or “Continue Editing.”

        a. “Save for Later” will create a saved list of the items in your cart that will be located on the “My Account” page.

          b. “Create Reservation” will bring you to the “Review Your Reservation” window.

            i. Select a start and end time to your booking

              ii. Select how many of each item you would like

                Only 1 camera can be taken out at a time. 

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                   6. If an item cannot be reserved, it will be displayed in red

                    a. Two options will ask you to “Check for Replacement” or “View Timeline”

                      i. “Check for Replacement” will help you find the same item that is available during the time that you need it

                        ii. “View Timeline” will show you the exact time when items will be able to be reserved


                        7. The “Review Your Reservation” window will also include optional information that may or may not be required for the reservation, including Event/Class Title and if you want your booking to be for the weekend.

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                        8. Terms and Conditions must be accepted in order for the reservation to be made. 

                          9. If you would like to make a weekend booking set your return time 24 hours after your reservation start time and click on the checkbox for a weekend booking.  Staff will modify the reservation so that it will be due by 10am on Monday when they review your reservation for approval. You will see the change in your approval confirmation email.

                                  10. An error at the bottom will show you what needs to be completed in the window in order for the reservation to be confirmed. Check the  error pull-down window to see what is needed to confirm the booking

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                          11. The “Add Repeats” link will allow you to make one or multiple repeat reservations for the same equipment

                            a. Select the dates that you would like to repeat your reservation


                            12. Select “Submit Reservation,” and a window will pop up confirming that your reservation has gone through to the TSW


                            Reservation Restrictions

                            Late equipment, overdue invoices, account holds, or no signature on file will need to be addressed with the TSW, and will put a restriction on your reservation until resolved. Select “Save for Later” to save your reservation for a time after you have resolved all issues.