Student Organizations

Student clubs and societies for the Computer Science and Information Technology majors include the Computer Science Society of SGA (Student Government Association) and the Gamma Chapter of New Jersey of the International Computer Science Honor Society - Upsilon Pi Epsilon.

The SGA Computer Science Society:

  • The Computer Society of SGA (Student Government Association of William Paterson University) was established in the fall semester of 1978.
  • Please contact Dr. John P. Najarian ( for more information about the Computer Society.

Upsilon Pi Epsilon, Gamma Chapter of New Jersey, the International Honor Society for the Computing and Information Disciplines:

  • Upsilon Pi Epsilon is the third chapter installed in New Jersey by the International Computer Science Honor Society. Chartered in May 1988, the chapter's activities include an induction ceremony, participating in national UPE conferences, programming contests, field trips, seminars, and workshops. Criteria for membership include:
    1. An overall GPA of 3.3 or higher;
    2. At least 18 credits of Computer Science courses with a grade of B or better; and
    3. At least a C+ in all Computer Science courses.
    4. Other criteria from the national UPE are also included.
  • The faculty advisor for the Upsilon Pi Epsilon Computer Science Honor Society is Dr. John P. Najarian. Please contact for more information about UPE.