Computing Facilities

A variety of computing facilities are available to students. The computer labs are equipped with microcomputers running the latest Windows 10 operating system. All the computers are connected through a campus-wide Local Area Network (LAN) with database, file, web, and application servers that provide many different software resources. The LAN also provides access to the Internet. A segment of the LAN hosts a MariaDB server ( The server is housed in our server room in HSCIE 5039. An additional server, a Dell PowerEdge R710, is housed in the university's Information Systems Division at College Hall. The R710 is WPU’s license server. More computing equipment, including a Dell wide-screen monitor for presentation, is available for faculty/student research in the Computer Science Research Center at HSCIE 5031 (phone: x2502).

The department also built a Cisco Networking Lab located on the fifth floor of HSCIE. The Cisco Networking Lab is equipped with 21 Cisco routers, 21 Cisco Switches, and 7 firewalls, and the lab is used for students’ hand-on projects in a separated network environment. In addition, a Dell PowerEdge R740 is being used as a virtual machine (VM) server that hosts various operating systems including Ubuntu, Windows 10, Windows 2016 server, and Kali Linux. The virtual machine server provides virtual environments to students and it can run up to 72 VMs simultaneously that are used in various computer science courses including Computer Networking, Operating Systems, System Administrations, and Network Security.

In addition to these in-house facilities, the Data Science Research Lab (DSRL) provides high-performance computing capability.

Computer Rooms:

  • Computer Science Research Center (for faculty/student research): HSCIE 5031
  • Computer Science Server Room: HSCIE 5039
  • Cisco Networking Lab: HSCIE 5040
  • Cybersecurity Research Lab: HSCIE 5008 and HSCIE 1019
  • Teaching Lab (Classroom Lab): HSCIE 5019
  • Teaching Lab (Classroom Lab): HSCIE 5020
  • Teaching Lab (Open Lab): HSCIE 5035

Research Labs:

The department has 2 research labs that make use of the computing facilities specified above. Please see our research labs for cybersecurity and data science research.

Lab Tutorials and Manuals: